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  Funny Amorphohallus titanum leaf
From: StroWi at t-online.de (StroWi) on 2002.09.09 at 21:43:00(9370)

A friend of mine noticed a small leaf at the base of the joungest petiole of his Amorphophallus titanum and he hopes that it belongs to an offset. As far as I know A. titanum does not grow offsets, but I want to get some feed back from the list about this small leaf in order to tell him what the experienced aroiders think about it.

Scott kindly put some pics in the gallery of the IAS site for me in order to illustrate my request.
Everyone who is interested please have a look at: http://www.aroid.org/gallery/strolka/index.html

Looking forward to any comment!

Good growing,

From: mburack at mindspring.com> on 2002.09.10 at 13:23:38(9375)
Mine have done this....

Historically it "has been" an offset.

Moreover 2 of my young gigas plants have done the same thing and they have
been offsets (for a plant which generally is considered not to).


From: Douglas Ewing dewing at u.washington.edu> on 2002.09.10 at 15:29:05(9376)
Bernhard, I have had titanum's that offset. They do not produce like
potatoes, but they seem to occasionaly yield an extra tuber or two.
Here's hoping, Doug
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2002.09.10 at 15:54:48(9377)
Dear Bernhard,

What you see on the pictures is something that happens often in
Amorphophallus or any tuberous aroid in general. These very small and often
distorted leaves are produced by buds close to the main leaf and do not
result in new tubers or offsets. Such buds are obviously erroneously induced
to wake up. You will also see that it emerges from within the same set of
cataphylls as the main leaf. When the plant dies down, you'll notice nothing
of it. Rarely, in large mature specimens it may be the start of a major
tuber division, proceeding from a small active subsidiary bud to a new plant
in one or two seasons.


From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.09.10 at 22:05:58(9379)
I advise all growers of Amorphophallus titanum and the other giant species
to get and read the article in a back-issue of Aroideana by Craig Alen, THE
master grower of these plants at Fairchild Tropical Gardens in Miami,
Florida. From memory I think he describes how when grown in smaller pots
the plant puts its energy into dividing into many smaller tubers, and when
given LOTS of pot space it then puts its energies into tuber size and this
eventually results in it blooming. Marc earlier today reported about two
species of his giants that have produced off-sets.


From: mburack at mindspring.com> on 2002.09.11 at 13:17:17(9382)

For some reason I cant seem to access that picture, but I can tell you that in
my case, it has looked like a little leaf coming up next to the base of the
larger one.

From: "Petra Schmidt" petra at plantdelights.com> on 2002.09.11 at 15:57:16(9385)
Tissue culture - aha! - could be a factor in this baby leaf formation? I've
grown Amorph. titanum from seed and from tissue culture plantlets and the
root system looks different for the first growing season or two...tissue
culture plantlets don't develop typical tubers but produce masses of roots
the first season; the typical tuber usually doesn't take shape until the
second growing season...it is amazing to see the "tubers" at the end of the
first season, anything from rock hard little nuggets to thin flat disks to
nubs of callus with whiskers of root hairs. Another thing I've noticed is
that t.c. plantlets grown out in ground beds form tubers faster (and of more
typical shape) than plantlets grown out indoors in pots although ones grown
indoors in pots have more top growth (i.e. leaf and petioles are larger)...

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