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  Visiting Seattle
From: hallsa at sirius.com (Steve Hall) on 1997.05.16 at 16:07:26(744)
Good morning fellow aroiders,

I will be visiting Seattle over the Memorial Day Weekend and was wondering
if anyone could suggests botanical gardens, arboretums, conservatories,
etc. that I might visit and scope out any aroid collections. Is the
University of Washington's plant collection open to the public? Any info is
much appreciated.

From: ERTELTJB at ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu on 1997.05.16 at 21:38:23(745)
Steve - I would highly recommend droping ideas of visiting aroid or
any other kinds of collections, most if not all of which could
likely be seen elsewhere, if there's any possibility
of getting out onto the Penninsula and into the temperate rain forest!
Unless you will have other opportunities to spend yet more time in the
area, I would recommend this as a high priority experience that should
not be passed over, and cannot be seen anywhere else. Generally I'm
for recommending conservatories, collections, and the like, but if
I ever get back to the Seattle area, I'll work as hardget back out to the rainforest. Just my thoughts on the matter. Enjoy
the trip - Seattle is a neat place.
- Jonathan Ertelt

From: kevin martyn <martyn at telcomplus.com> on 1997.05.16 at 21:43:38(746)
I don't recall if the UW is open to the public but the greenhouse =
manager is a very nice fellow. His name is Doug Ewing and I'm sure he =
wouldn't mind letting you know when you might visit. His address is =
dewing@u.washington.edu. I understand he has a personal interest in =
aroids and I for one was impressed.
The Washington Park Arboretum is lacking in the aroid department. Nice =
Lysichitons and Zantedeschia around but those are all I can remember =
ever finding there.
The Volunteer Park Conservatory is worth a walkthrough. It is by =
donation and open to the public. I don't have the address but its about =
2 miles from the UW.
There is a store just off the freeway exit at 50th (45th?) street on =
the way to the UW called "The Indoor Sun Shoppe". There is a guy there =
named Jerry who grows Amorphophallus and is pretty knowledgable. He may =
have some things of interest for sale.

Kevin Martyn

From: Brian Witte <witte at u.washington.edu> on 1997.05.17 at 05:29:43(748)
Steve --
If you can't get to the rainforest (home of Lysichiton americanum -- aka
skunk cabbage), be sure to visit the University of WA greenhouse. The
manager, Doug Ewing, is a wizard with Amorphophallus and Dracontium.
Also, maybe you could identify the aroid gone wild in our "medicinal herb
garden" -- it covers vast stretches of ground is almost certainly not
native. The greenhouse is on the main campus, at the southern tip of the
arc made by Stevens way, the only real road through campus. The herb
garden is to the west and north of the green house. Enjoy!
oh yeah -- the ghouse is open 830-5 M-F.

Brian Witte

From: Stephanie Feeney <n6848640 at henson.cc.wwu.edu> on 1997.05.18 at 00:09:17(752)
Greetings, Steve,
I write a book called "The Northwest Gardeners' Resource Directory" (the
Seventh edition just came out a month ago and is thus quite current.)
Over the Memorial Day week-end (May 30-31) you could visit Heronswood
Nursery/gardens in Kingston with one of their rare Open Gardens days. Dan
Hinkley's collection of aroids and love thereof is widely recognized.
Near-by is Reflective Gardens, where Kelly Dodson, also with an impressive
collection and knowledge of aroids will have his first Open Day.
Heronswood is open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. and Reflective Gardens is open 9:30
a.m.-4:30 p.m. The Olympic Peninsula lies beyond. If you are interested
in this opportunity be forewarned that there is Heronswood madness afoot
and that many, many avid plant enthusiasts consider this akin to a
pilgrimage to Mecca. Because of the holiday the ferries required to get
you from the Seattle area across to the Kingston area (either the
Bainbridge Island ferry from downtown Seattle to Winslow then a drive of
about 40 minutes north) or the Edmonds-Kingston ferry (Edmonds is about
20-25 minutes north of downtown Seattle, then the drive to Heronswood is
about 15 minutes) will be remarkably busy. If any of this sounds
interesting let me know and I will e-mail you with further details (ferry
schedule info etc.)
Another major resource for you to contact would be this group's Scott
Vergara who has just started a very special new (by appointment only)
nursery. For the information of others on this group, here is an excerpt
from my book:
* Botanical Resources:
P.O. Box 669, Burley, WA 98322-0669; (360) 876-4620; FAX available, call
first; e-mail: hortulanua@aol.com
Plant List: free with SASE
Retail and wholesale to the continental U.S. currently; shipping
year-round depending on species
Location: call for an appointment and receive directions
New to the nursery business end of horticulture but a practiced veteran in
many other aspects of the field most of his life, Scott Vergara brings his
considerable knowledge to a community of plant fanatics anxious to welcome
his progeny. Educated and trained as a plant breeder and propagator,
Scott’s interests include bringing new plants to the market and
re-selecting or "tweaking" older varieties with an interest especially in
pest resistance. He has begun a breeding program with hellebores and
epimedium to watch for in 1998, but in the meantime slake your thirst with
tuberous Aroids (especially Arisaema, Arum, Amorphophallus and some other
sub-tropical genera); Cyclamen species; Carnivorous plants (especially
Sarracenia species and hybrids, Nepenthes species and hybrids); selected
aquatic site/bog plants (northwest natives and exotics); selected
perennials and woody plants; and variegated plants. Well, he pushes most
of my botanical buttons!

Cheers, and have a fabulous visit in this area!
Stephanie Feeney

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