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  common pothos
From: Alektra at aol.com on 2002.11.20 at 17:12:22(9619)
Has anybody on this list ever gotten common pothos to bloom under normal
indoors conditions? How is it done? Is it even capable of blooming, or does
it just spread vegetatively?

From: "N Carroll" ncarz at charter.net> on 2002.11.20 at 19:41:55(9620)
"Normal" pothos (epipremnum?) has apparently never been
seen in bloom. But it certainly cannot reach the
appropriate size indoors. "normal" pothos, when it has a
tree to climb (as in Miami) can get leaves that are about
18" to 24" inches across and have deep "cuts" in the
leaves like monstera delisciosa. If you want bigger leaves
it must have something to climb


From: "Derek Burch" derek at horticulturist.com> on 2002.11.20 at 22:49:41(9622)
So where is Peter when we need him !!!

My impression is that flowering only occurs when the plant has got a lot of
growth under its belt and is about as far up its support as it can get. The
only time that it has flowered for me was when it unexpectedly did so in the
late 50s on a fairly small tree in Coconut Grove- and gave Monroe Birdsey
all manner of goosebumps and chances to publish descriptions. Perhaps it
likes to come off its support and hang down before it flowers.

I did play around with growth regulator treatments in containers some years
ago, and as I remember did get a vastly malformed tiny inflorescence with
gibberellic acid - but it didn't seem worth pursuing (actually I can't
remember if I had a serious thought in mind when I tried it, or if it was
idle curiosity).

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.11.21 at 09:19:04(9626)

Please give us a description on what you are referring to as 'common
does it have green leaves w/ yellow markings?? Several plants sold at
home-depot/k-mart type stores have this name, none belong to or are in the
genus Pothos. All w/ the yellow markings are juvenile forms of a HUGE
Asian climber, it covers adult pine trees here in WPB, Florida, the leaves
are about 3 ft. long by 18 inches wide, with splits!! It is said to bloom
very rarely near the very top of its maximum climbing height. Peter Boyce
told me that only a very few blooms had ever been collected, and I have been
on the look-out for a bloom with no success thus far.

Julius Boos

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.11.21 at 10:27:52(9628)
Dear Derek,

What you describe that happened to the plant in Coconut Grove is exactly
what Peter told me to expect some years ago when we discussed the very rare
flowering of this plant.
[By the way, Peter also told me that he thought that he had discovered the
actual source of this varigated plant on some remote island location in
Asis, he had been baffled as the cultivated forms did not exactly match the
species to which they had been previously assigned, but the plant he
discovered on this remote Island were a match for the cultivated forms. He
said he had to do the work of describing this new collection as a new
Here in warm areas of the USA it grows as high as it can get, then hangs off
its support a few feet and blooms. I`ve been on the lookout for this for a
couple of years without sucess, but all the adult plants up here in WPB are
on TALL trees, I will now look for an adult plant on a shorter support, I
also plan to carry a pair of binoculars with me while I travel next spring
and summer to assist in flower-spotting, as the yellow markings of the
leaves probably camoflage the cream-white spathes very wel! I think it
probably will turn out to be a very seasonal bloomer, much like Philodendron
xanadu which blooms for a short period in early spring when it is still
cool, I found only ONE bloom on ONE plant in Oct. two years ago.
Dumping has certainly caused the 'pothos' to become a common escapee around
here! I saw one woman in Wellington who had to spend big bucks to have it
removed from her pine trees which they were smothering!
Lesson, Folks!!!---DON`T plant the left-over 'tiny' plants from the live
flower/plant arrangements in the garden! Syngonium 'frosty' and this
monster LOVE to escape, and will grow to be HUGE!

Good Growing,


From: "Plantsman" plantsman at prodigy.net> on 2002.11.21 at 15:29:30(9629)
I've seen them just as you described on the eastern side of the
island of Maui, Hawai`i. They cover the trunks of the trees and go
up fairly high. I've seen them at least thirty feet up into the
trees and the leaves are totally different from the juvenile stage.
They are over a foot across, almost square and deeply divided.
Their color is a golden-yellow with faded green variegation.

Most that I've seen were in full sun for the morning but were shaded
by their tree during the mid-day and were in the shade of Haleakala
volcano for the late afternoon. This area gets rain nearly every
day or two, so it's a very lush rainforest area. I've never
noticed any flowers on the mature specimens that I've looked at, but
then again, they may be way up high in the tree. Maui has big
brown or blue centipedes over 4 inches long that will put you in the
hospital and they like to live in such places!

David Sizemore

From: Piabinha at aol.com on 2002.11.22 at 02:07:28(9633)
so what's the accurate scientific name for this plant now?

tsuh yang CHEN in NY

From: Mattlagem at aol.com on 2002.11.22 at 04:15:31(9635)
According to Deni Bown's book, it is Epipremnum pinnatum 'Aureum' or
Epipremnum aureum. Michael Mattlage

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