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  Pecan Shells
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.05.19 at 22:10:38(763)
I was watching either CNN or CNBC the other night and they were doing a bit
on the Pecan Industry. They said that one of the things that caused a
major problem was getting rid of the shells. A few hours later I thought
what a wonderful addative to potting media they would make for some Aroids!
Does anyone know how I could get in contact with a firm that either grows
or shells pecans. I would really like to try the shells as part of the
growing media for Anthuriums. I think it would be perfect!

From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1997.05.20 at 00:31:13(764)

Regarding the use of pecan shells as a planting medium (or one of several
ingredients), I would be cautious with this until I understood the
chemical contents of the shells. For some reason I am thinking that
pecan shells contain tannin. While I don't know this for certain, I'll
bet one of the chemists on the list could tell us about.

By the way, pecan shells are use in the abrasive industry as a pressure
blasting abrasive, and possibly in other ways. And the stuff is not


From: BASSPROF at aol.com on 1997.05.20 at 14:06:37(765)
Hi Dewey,

I have a friend in S. Georgia who grows them commercially. I'll contact her
and find out what they do with the shells. (We used peanut shells in a
composting toilet in Maine!!)


From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 1997.05.20 at 14:12:02(766)
Sent: Monday, May 19, 1997 8:31 PM
To: Julius Boos
From: ERTELTJB at ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu on 1997.05.20 at 15:42:01(768)
Dewey - Don has already brought up the question of whether or not the
shells contain tannins, which I would also suspect. In addition, there
may even be some nastier growth inhibiting chemicals, such as are
produced by the black walnut tree. Definitely worth thoroughly looking'
into before using, but it does seem to me that I've seen them used as
a component before somewhere. Good Growing.
- Jonathan

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