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A Monograph for Botanists and Nature
From: Scott Hyndman hyndman at aroid.org> on 2003.01.14 at 02:27:44(9837)
For those who are interested, I was just notified that Amazon.com also sells
Guy Gusman's book but at the incredible price of $48.97, and it qualifies
for free shipping with their Super Saver Shipping promotion. I have checked
their site and confirmed that this is the case. I am not intentionally
advertising for Amazon Books here, but that is a good price!
Regards, Scott
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Scott Hyndman, President
International Aroid Society
Homepage: http://www.aroid.org/
Vero Beach, Florida, USA
USDA Hardiness Zone 10a
E-mail: hyndman@aroid.org
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