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  Taro 'Voodoo' ???
From: Steve Marak <samarak at arachne.uark.edu> on 1997.05.25 at 05:15:21(773)
At a local nursery today which offers many water garden plants, I was
checking off the various colocasia species and cultivars when I saw
something new to me - it was labeled "Black stem taro 'Voodoo'".

It was by far the blackest leaf on a taro I have ever seen - I'm familiar
with C. antiquorum 'Illustris' (which they also had, in a very nice dark
clone) but this was much darker. Stems and leaves on the 2 rather small
plants I saw (in 4-5 in [10-12 cm] pots and at most 15 in [38 cm] tall)
appeared entirely black. Very attractive.

Does anyone know anything about this plant, as to sources, eventual size,


From: grsjr at juno.com (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.05.25 at 16:31:42(774)

Check with Tony Avent at PlantDelights Nursery. He has one giant totally
black taro.

From: Tony Avent <tony at plantdel.com> on 1997.05.25 at 16:35:42(775)

I am guessing that your Voodoo taro is a nomenclature corruption of
the Colocasia 'Black Magic' that was introducted by Walter Pagels of CA,
from a botanical garden in the Phillipines. It is being tc'd in Florida and
is slowly getting distribution under a variety of incorrect names. Although
it is not in our catalog, we are offering this variety, as is Southern
Exposure Nursery in TX.

The face of the leaves is solid black, and it will grow 7' tall in
moist soil, but only 3' as an aquatic. I hope this helps.
Tony Avent

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