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  FC Distribution 2003/1
From: "Fausto Ceni" fausto at faustoceni.it> on 2003.01.26 at 21:33:33(9886)
Dear friends,

Also this spring I have some tubers to distribute.

(The following text is the same of preceding distributions, I hope you can

Althought offer in exchange is very, very appreciated, it is not
necessary (I know what is to have nothing to give in exchange!!).
Please, don't hurt if I don't accept the plants you offer: may be
I have already them or don't love them, but your offer is appreciated
in the same way both if I accept it or not.
You should only understand that the people that gave me plants, literature
or support in the past, will have the priority in the choice.

I am searching (but be not frightened and don't laugh):

- Tecophilaea
- All (un)usual Amaryllids
- Sternbergia (not sicula or lutea)
- North Am. Hymenocallis
- Galanthus (not nivalis or reg.olgae)
- Disa, Pleione and terrestrial Orchids
- Arisaema griffithii, sikokianum et other
- Amorphophallus
- Lysichiton
- Symplocarpus
- Tuberous Aroids, all
- Insectivorous plants
- Stapelia, Lithops and other succulents, better little size
- Ferns, hardy, big size
- Cycads seeds
- Helleborus thibetanus & vesicarius
- Your surplus: try to offer!!!!
- What grows in your country

You have surely in your garden or on your mountains something for me.
Try to offer!!!!

Rules to apply:

- Don't use absolutely the Re function of your software !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Type in the subject row of the message: FC Distribution 2003/1
- I cannot give any kind of certificates.
- Money is not requested.
- Remember for future reference the FC###.
- The requests should be sent to my E-mail address;
- They should come to me before 10th February and I will answer and send
confirmations and items only later: please be patient.
- Please, to help me you should:
in the message first give your name and post address
give genus and species;
best when you use the copy/paste function from the text of my list
at the end eventually your comunications
- Remember to give your snail-mail address!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Again: remember to give your snail-mail address!!!!!!
- Sure that you gave me your snail-mail address????????

This is the (short) list (sorry that items with* are very few):



Amorphophallus albus* 1369
Amorphophallus konjak 1003 3/4" tubers
Amorphophallus odoratus 1019 1/4" tubers
Amorphophallus sp. from China* 1388 (I guess A. konjak) 3/4-2" tubers
Arisaema fargesii 400 1/2-2" tubers
Arisaema fargesii 1139 1/2-1" tubers
Arisaema ringens* 1096 1-11/2" tubers
Boophane disticha 1121 3 years old bulbs
Pinellia pedatisecta 1471 1/2-1" tubers
Pinellia tripartita 1099 little tubers
Pleione formosana* 402 little bulbils
Sauromatum guttatum 373 1/2-1" tubers


Arisaema franchetianum 1293
Arisaema ringens 1096
Dietes grandiflora 1349
Lilium henryi 1430
Narcissus serotinus* 363



Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.