IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Arisaema of the Week
From: Roy Herold <rrh at genesis.nred.ma.us> on 1997.06.16 at 14:55:11(849)

I posted this a few days ago to the Arisaema List, and I figured there must
be a few other folks out there that would appreciate Wilbert's photos.

From: Roy Herold <rrh at genesis.nred.ma.us> on 1997.06.20 at 02:38:22(880)
It's that time again, folks. The Hetterscheid Collection on the Arisaema
Page has a new arrival. This week
it's Arisaema consanguineum, a form from Hong Kong. This one has
interesting red coloration on the top of the spathe, and for inquiring
minds there are lots of pictures of the insides. This time the male flowers
are a curious magenta/red color.

Next week: a very different consanguineum, this time from Mt. Omei in
Sichuan. Can this be the same as the elusive CT369? Stay tuned.

--Roy Herold

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