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  2 Philodendron translations
From: Todd Ruth <truth at weber.ucsd.edu> on 1997.01.08 at 00:42:26(68)
2 more name translations. These also come from the Huntington.
Could someone please translate Philodendron 'Evansii' and
Philodendron 'Imbe' to species names? My guess would be the
the first is a cultivar of Selloum, but I'd like to know for
sure. As long as I'm asking, could anyone confirm Philodendron
Sagittifolium as a current name?

I took some pictures while I was there with the idea of starting
a photo album of aroids I've seen and I'd like to get the
labels right.


From: Endangered Species <especies at ix.netcom.com> on 1997.01.08 at 16:12:41(70)
At 06:42 PM 1/7/97 -0600, you wrote:
>2 more name translations. These also come from the Huntington.
>Could someone please translate Philodendron 'Evansii' and
>Philodendron 'Imbe' to species names? My guess would be the
>the first is a cultivar of Selloum, but I'd like to know for
>sure. As long as I'm asking, could anyone confirm Philodendron
>Sagittifolium as a current name?
>I took some pictures while I was there with the idea of starting
>a photo album of aroids I've seen and I'd like to get the
>labels right.
From: Eduardo Gomes Goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.01.08 at 18:03:17(79)
On Tue, 7 Jan 1997, Todd Ruth wrote:

> 2 more name translations. These also come from the Huntington.
> Could someone please translate Philodendron 'Evansii' and
> Philodendron 'Imbe' to species names? My guess would be the
> the first is a cultivar of Selloum, but I'd like to know for
> sure. As long as I'm asking, could anyone confirm Philodendron
> Sagittifolium as a current name?
> I took some pictures while I was there with the idea of starting
> a photo album of aroids I've seen and I'd like to get the
> labels right.

From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.01.08 at 21:48:48(82)
> On Tue, 7 Jan 1997, Todd Ruth wrote:
From: Eduardo Gomes Goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.01.09 at 18:28:39(88)
On Wed, 8 Jan 1997, Tom Croat wrote:
> >Eduardo: Philodendron sagittifolium Liebm. is a highly variable
> species that ranges from Mexico to Colombia and Venezuela and indeed may
> range furhter into South America.
> Tom Croat, MO. Bot., St. Louis, MO.

Thanks for the tip.


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