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Xanthosoma robustum
From: Leslie Georgeson skinnychick2 at yahoo.com> on 2003.11.19 at 00:14:41(10833)
Hello everyone,
I have an interesting problem with Xanthosoma robustum and was wondering if someone out there could help me identify the culprit. I have several X. robustum "pups" that I traded with someone last year and they are now quite large. However, the plants all have only two leaves each (very large leaves). As soon as a third leaf begins to grow, the oldest leaf stalk bends over and is unable to support itself. I've never had this sort of problem before and can't figure out what to do (the mother plant is a huge beauty with many,many leaves!). I've tried everything from increasing the light, lowering the light, increasing the moisture, letting them dry out more, etc...but nothing seems to work. Does anyone know what the problem is? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
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From: "Eduardo Goncalves" edggon at hotmail.com> on 2003.11.19 at 18:10:32(10840)
Dear Leslie,
Try a little of nitrogen. My Xanthosoma robustum are able to fight
for some nitro!!!!! I use to add an ordinary liquid fertilizer (NPK
10:10:10) in the recommended strench every other week. In alternate weeks
(i.e., also every 15 days) I use a pure N foliar fertilizer. They will grow
like weeds!!!!
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Very best wishes,
Reply-To: aroid-l@lists.ncsu.edu
To: aroiders
Subject: [aroid-l] Xanthosoma robustum
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 16:14:41 -0800 (PST)
Hello everyone,
I have an interesting problem with Xanthosoma robustum and was wondering if
someone out there could help me identify the culprit. I have several X.
robustum "pups" that I traded with someone last year and they are now quite
large. However, the plants all have only two leaves each (very large
leaves). As soon as a third leaf begins to grow, the oldest leaf stalk
bends over and is unable to support itself. I've never had this sort of
problem before and can't figure out what to do (the mother plant is a huge
beauty with many,many leaves!). I've tried everything from increasing the
light, lowering the light, increasing the moisture, letting them dry out
more, etc...but nothing seems to work. Does anyone know what the problem
is? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
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From: Leslie Georgeson skinnychick2 at yahoo.com> on 2003.11.19 at 19:32:00(10841)
Thanks Eduardo! I will definitely have to try it! Leslie
Eduardo Goncalves wrote:Dear Leslie,
Try a little of nitrogen. My Xanthosoma robustum are able to fight
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for some nitro!!!!! I use to add an ordinary liquid fertilizer (NPK
10:10:10) in the recommended strench every other week. In alternate weeks
(i.e., also every 15 days) I use a pure N foliar fertilizer. They will grow
like weeds!!!!
Very best wishes,
>From: Leslie Georgeson
>Reply-To: aroid-l@lists.ncsu.edu
>To: aroiders
>Subject: [aroid-l] Xanthosoma robustum
>Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 16:14:41 -0800 (PST)
>Hello everyone,
>I have an interesting problem with Xanthosoma robustum and was wondering if
>someone out there could help me identify the culprit. I have several X.
>robustum "pups" that I traded with someone last year and they are now quite
>large. However, the plants all have only two leaves each (very large
>leaves). As soon as a third leaf begins to grow, the oldest leaf stalk
>bends over and is unable to support itself. I've never had this sort of
>problem before and can't figure out what to do (the mother plant is a huge
>beauty with many,many leaves!). I've tried everything from increasing the
>light, lowering the light, increasing the moisture, letting them dry out
>more, etc...but nothing seems to work. Does anyone know what the problem
>is? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
>Thank you.
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Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.