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  Is this Arum a Pinellia?
From: Krzysztof Kozminski <kk at netgate.net> on 1997.06.20 at 16:33:43(884)

It has been suggested that my unknown arum is really a Pinellia cordata.

Therefore, I'd like to invite all pinellia experts to visit the URL:


From: Roy Herold <rrh at genesis.nred.ma.us> on 1997.06.21 at 01:37:56(885)

It most certainly is Pinellia cordata, and it may have come from
bulblets/bulbils that I sent you a couple of years ago. It's a great plant,
and so far I have not had any problems with it going dormant if it is kept
in a cool spot. The leaves on mature plants can get over 6" long. As with
other pinellias, it keeps reblooming all summer-- I usually get three or
four sets of flowers. The fragrance is a real bonus-- definitely sweet and

Bulbils (at the base of the leaves and at the bottom of the petioles) and
bulblets (offsets from the main tuber) form readily. The bulbils (or are
they tuberils?) will bloom in the second season, the bulblets (or
tuberlets) should bloom in the first. NOT invasive though, as some of its
kin can be (ie, P. ternata).

I've got a feeling the other leaf in the pot is from Nick's arum.....

--Roy Herold

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 1997.06.21 at 02:17:16(886)
Sent: Friday, June 20, 1997 12:33 PM
To: Julius Boos
From: Krzysztof Kozminski <kk at netgate.net> on 1997.06.21 at 05:46:42(887)
Thanx for all the replies.

The photos will be re-filed to a correct page.

Also, apologies to Nick Turland for putting his name in the middle of my

From: Paul Christian <paul at rareplants.co.uk> on 1997.06.22 at 16:03:50(888)

Just popped in and had a look, whoever said it was Pinellia cordata really
wants a pat on the back :-)

At least it looks to me just like that species and the fruity fragrance is
right too, certainly not an Arum in the exact sense. It is, to my mind, the
best of the genus, unless someone else knows better ? (intrigued by the
radiatisect ?Arisaema? leaf in one of the pics?)

Talking of Arum, I have some fresh berries of Arum cyrenaicum just
harvested, I am happy to pack off and send, five poly-seeded berries to
anyone who wants them, a $1 bill to cover the postage please.

All the best

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