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From: "Robert Wagner" <robwagner at robwagner.seanet.com> on 1997.06.29 at 18:45:00(900)
I usually just "lurk" on this list, but I made a "fun" discovery last week
that I'd like to share. It might be old news to some but it was a surprise
to me:

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.06.30 at 04:04:14(901)
I would really like for a hungry Taiwanese to come by my house. I have two
species of Dioscorea with which I constantly do battle. I dig them and
throw them on the 'burn pile' and the next time I set it afire... Roasted!
But, otherwise, they are really a pest and if you have it growing up the
corner of your house..... Please be careful that it does not get away from
you... But, in Seattle, it may not matter as I don't think they could
stand your temperatures in winter...

From: hesterc at niven.acpub.duke.edu (Clarence Hester) on 1997.07.04 at 03:58:15(913)
> Dear Friends,
> I agree with Eduardo; I have this exact plant grown from commercially
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 1997.07.04 at 19:50:01(914)
Sent: Thursday, July 03, 1997 11:58 PM
To: Julius Boos
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 1997.07.04 at 19:57:02(915)
>>I usually just "lurk" on this list, but I made a "fun" discovery last
that I'd like to share. It might be old news to some but it was a surprise
From: "Robert Wagner" <robwagner at robwagner.seanet.com> on 1997.07.06 at 16:18:08(918)
Julius, I have never been to Trinidad, but I have heard a lot about what a
colorful and cosmopolitan place it is. The only Dioscorea I've ever seen is
my own, D. batatas, except for a few B&W pictures in a plant catalog. Some
of the tropical Dioscoreas must be dramatic. I take it you no longer live
in Trinidad; if it's too cold for Caribbean yams wherever you are, you are
welcome to starts of mine if you want any. Read on...

Dewey, I have bad news for you: Dioscoreas seem to have a weird
prediliction for being more root hardy than one would imagine from their
tropical affinities (and a few truly hardy ones hail from Japan and the
Balkans!). I suspect that their tubers going as deep as they do helps keep
them out of harm's way. Mine tolerates not only cool, dry summers (without
irrigation) but also mildly frosty and extremely wet winters that do in a
lot of subtropical and warm-temperate plants. And it grows with tropical
vigor! Luckily my garden is so densely planted the tuberils and seeds
rarely find their way down to the ground.

Back on topic here: Arisaema candidissima is blooming. A. tortuosum is
missing but probably OK--it always comes up rediculously late for some
reason. Probably waiting for the summer monsoon, that doesn't happen

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