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  Looking for Amorphophallus seed or corms
From: Martin Luis Bondone <martin_pls at yahoo.com.ar> on 2004.05.21 at 03:47:57(11512)
I ´m Martin Luis Bondone from Argentina, I am studying botany in the university of Buenos Aires (UBA).
I was visiting your page of Internet and I ´m interested to purchase some seeds of diferent amorphophallus (titanum, bulbifer, aberrans, konjak, paeoniifolius......) . Do you sell them ?. Do you send the seed to here? Do you know if I ´m need some phytosanitary?. The last month I import some seed from USA and I don ´t have any problem. Now I want to buy your exotics seed or corm. Do you acept Visa card.? The seed arrive to my home?.

Best regard

Martin Luis Bondone

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