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  Help for Philo seeds.
From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.07.06 at 01:17:37(917)
To anyone who can help,
I recieved some seeds from the Alvim Seidel (sp?) seed order and have
planted them in bubble trays. Some are sprouting, some haven't sprouted but
look ok, but others appear to be rotting (Wendlandii in particular). Can
someone tell me what changes to make before I loose them? The temp. inside
the trays had ranged from 75 degs. to 95 degs. in the first day or two.
Before any had actually sprouted, the temp. had leveled out to 80 - 85 degs
steady. Some of each variety are in damp folded paper towels inside the
trays, some are on top of the soil, and some are covered with a very fine
soil. 1/2 of the Wendlandiis were on top of soil, and the other half were in
paper towels. All of the Wendlandii seeds on top of the soil turned blackish
with what looks like mold. Another of the seeds in the paper towel turned
the same, but some still look promising. I put the three that still look
good into a smaller covered container which is no doubt cooler. They are
still looking good, but I don't know for how long. Any advice would be
From: eduardo gomes goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.07.07 at 23:45:37(923)
Hi Sue,

Philo seeds are usually very easy to germinate. The only problem is
that they can dehydrate fastly and lose the viability. I don't hope so, but
if it happened to your P. wendlandii seeds, there is nothing to do but
cry... Do you remember if the seeds was too much dry when you receive them?
The temperature seems good and the humity must be also good. Very old
seeds also lose the viability.
There is one more thing. If the seeds you purchase are from a true P.
wendlandii, it can show a different problem. Such species isn't native
from Brazil and all individuals there in Alvin's nursery must to be clones
from just a few. This can avoid sucessfully seed set or even produce a
superficially good seed set, but with dead seeds, because of genetic
problems related to homozygosis. I'm not sure about such possibility, but it
can be a clue.

Now, the best thing you can do is wait.



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