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  climbing Philodendrons for Mediterranean climate
From: "Sean O'Hara" <SAOUC at UCCMVSA.UCOP.EDU> on 1997.07.19 at 23:13:37(971)
>From: Alexandra Pichardo
>Subject: some interesting visit on Sto Dgo
>Sender: aroid-l@mobot.org
From: eduardo gomes goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.07.22 at 20:44:32(985)
Dear Sean,

We know that self-header Philos are very easy to grow everywhere like
P. bipinnatifidum (=P. selloum, P. mello-barretoanum), P. undulatum, P.
williamsii, P. corcovadense, P. saxicolum, etc. I have noted that P.
acutatum is also very rough, growing even over nude sandstone in full sun
here in dry portions of Brazil. P. martianum (Graf's P. cannifolium) is also
very hard to kill, as well as the good and old P. imbe. P. pedatum and P.
bipennifolium are also good survivors in poor humity. These are the most
drought-proof species I know and I think they can survive there.



From: Alexandra Pichardo <neonatura at codetel.net.do> on 1997.07.23 at 13:57:09(987)
Sean O'Hara wrote:

> This reminds me - a friend asked my whether there are species of
> climbing Philodendron that would be hardy enough to grow outdoors in
> our local Mediterranean climate. We do see a lot of P. selloum and
> Monstera growing easily in our gardens, but I have yet to see a
> climbing Philo. Do any of you Philo-philes have suggestions or
> observations that might be relevant to this search? Our humidity is
> generally low so this may be the most significant limiting factor.
> Thanks in advance for any information.
> Sean A. O'Hara sean.ohara@ucop.edu
> 710 Jean Street http://www.dla.ucop.edu/

I have never been in Mediterranean wheather but here in the Dominican
Republic climbing Philodendrons are everywhere, we have a tropical
wheather and the places I have seen them in wild are just shaded with
lots of big trees, not too much rainy periods.

I don't know how to calculate the humidity levels.

Alexandra Pichardo

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