IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  A free raffle for 4 tuberous aroid tubers
From: Ken Mosher <ken at spatulacity.com> on 2004.10.07 at 02:56:17(12254)
With the moderator's permission to post this semi-commercial message:

Ken Mosher, pesky proprietor of Drago Cactoid, wants to announce a RAFFLE
for members of the DragoCactoid Yahoogroup...
The raffle prize is:

ONE tuber of Amorphophallus koratensis (small)

ONE tuber of Pseudodracontium sp. (similar to Pseudodracontium lacourii
ONE tuber of Typhonium sp. (either elliptic gray leaves like T. subglobosum
[http://www.aroid.org/genera/typhonium/subglobosum/index.html] or linear
leaflets like T. bognerianum [no photo])
ONE *offset* of Sauromatum venosum "Indian Giant" propagated by me (now
moved into genus Typhonium)
That's four great tuberous aroids raffled FREE to one lucky group member!

Shipping to USA addresses will be paid by me, but foreign shipping will
have to be paid by the recipient (no phytosanitary certificate).
Since my contact list is much too large for me ever to compose an email to
you all ever again :) the very easiest way for me to keep everyone abreast
of what I have available is by making announcements to the YahooGroup. So
now you know the benefit to me.
The benefit to you is that you don't have to check my site to see what's
new, and you don't have to email me to ask (although that's OK too). As an
enticement to get you to join, I'm going to raffle off four tubers as
described above to anyone who remains a group member for 21 days.
I will check group membership on October 10 and make a list of the members.
Then on Oct 31 I'll check again, and anyone who appears on both lists will
have their name entered into the drawing.
Also, I have just brought back two largish boxes of Amorphophallus,
Pseudodracontium and Typhonium from the International Aroid Society's
annual show and sale. As soon as I get everything sorted out I'll start
announcing to the YahooGroup list. This time of year will be a little
busier for the list since I'm also harvesting my own crop of plants that
have been growing all summer.

-Ken Mosher, http://dragocactoid.com

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.