IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  Return of Hercules
From: "James W. Waddick" <jim-jim at swbell.net> on 1997.07.21 at 13:06:02(979)
Dear Aroid-L;
I wrote to an enlightened member of another email robin. She lives
a half hour away from Western Hills Nursery. I asked if she'd pick up a
bunch of small pots of "Hercules"* on our behalf, mail them all in a box to
me and I'll distribute them to anyone who has prepaid and pre-ordered. She
thought it might be fun to spend someone else's money and agreed to do that.
I have not contacted WH to see if any of this is true, but it is
rumored that small pots sell for $3.50@: with tax and 2 shippings (CA-KC,
KC to buyer), I'll try to keep it to $6 @.

If that sounds OK to you. Please send me your order by Private
Email in the next day or two and a check to follow pronto so I can send a
prepaid order by the end of July.
Even if you have already asked before, please resend you request.

Questions? Thanks

Best Jim W.

* Z. "Hercules - a giant calla that is alleged to get to 7ft.

James W. Waddick Voice: 816 746 1949
8871 NW Brostrom Rd E-MAIL: jim-jim@swbell.net
Kansas City MO 64152 Fax: 816 746 1939
Zone 5/6 -

From: Dan Levin <levin at lucasdigital.com> on 1997.07.21 at 21:07:32(981)
Not intending to stir up poo-poo (sic) or compete in any
way with Jim W. on my first post to AROID-L; but I also
live quite close to the infamous Western Hills Nursery
thought that I might pick up a mess o' Z. 'Hercules' with
the intent of sending them to interested folks directly.
No monies involved, just some friendly trading. I'm thinking
this could be a fun way to expand my collection and at the
same time help out those AROID-L'ers who happen to be out
of driving range to Western Hill. My passion lies mainly
with the tropical aroids, but I'd welcome anything you think
might be interesting, equitable or hopefully both!

I should state up front that I've not confirmed with Maggie
(the owner) how many plants remain at this time, and she's
only open Thursday -> Sunday, hence I won't know for sure
how real this all is until 7/24 (unless she answers the phone
before then). I remind that Sean O'Hara mentioned on 11 July
that there were "numerous 1 gal. specimens at this time and
some 3".... Please email me directly if this may be of interest.


Dan Levin (levin@lucasdigital.com)

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.