IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  article some might like to see
From: Betsy Feuerstein ecuador at midsouth.rr.com> on 2005.02.13 at 18:50:55(12680)
Tom's comment was that a few of the details were not accurate, but in
generel it was okay. I have Tom's permission to pass this on to the
group even though I am very late in doing it............. I thought
some of you might enjoy reading the article................. Betsy


From: "Donna McGraw" donnamcg at swbell.net> on 2005.02.14 at 17:22:15(12681)
Thanks, Betsy. I really enjoyed the
article. I don't think we appreciate these dedicated people


From: "Tropicals" Tropicals at SolutionsAnalysis.net> on 2005.02.14 at 18:15:14(12682)
Right you were Betsy;
well worth the read. What an incredible person, Tom Croat! Thank you for
passing it along to us…Christian and Bill

AlterNative Solutions Team

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