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  Philo ID
From: Brian Williams pugturd at alltel.net> on 2005.04.28 at 06:21:51(12895)
I may be corrected on this but a few years ago at the aroid show this
philo was brought up in discussion. It has been sold for years with no
name and was from what I gather rediscovered by Simon Mayo. It was given
the name Philo mayoii the plant is really easy to grow with segmented
leaves with maroon to dark purple looking stems. Here are photos off of
my website I believe Eduardo or Tom was in this discussion when it took
place maybe they have some more info they can add to it.

link to pics

From: "Eduardo Goncalves" edggon at hotmail.com> on 2005.04.28 at 12:49:13(12896)
Dear Brian,

It really looks like P. mayoi. Have it already flowered? If so, please, post
the pictures of flowers in your page and let us know.

Very best wishes,


From: chammer at cfl.rr.com (Bluesea) on 2008.01.15 at 23:47:40(16952)

Anyone know what Philo this is? Newer leaves are a bit more deeply
cut. I think this is one of several that came from the
defunct Orchid Jungle in Miami just before the property was cleared some
years ago.

From: chammer at cfl.rr.com (Bluesea) on 2008.01.15 at 23:49:59(16953)

Didn't realize I already had this photo of the stem.
central Fla
From: ju-bo at msn.com (ju-bo at msn.com) on 2008.01.16 at 11:01:16(16955)
> Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 18:49:59 -0500
> From: chammer at cfl.rr.com
> To: aroid-l at gizmoworks.com
> Subject: [Aroid-l] Philo ID
Dear Russ,

In trying to I.D. this plant, we have to enter into some speculation and assumption!
The squamules in youir photo at the bases of the petioles are VERY distinctive, and diaognostic for the species P. bipinnatifidium, shown in your good jpeg as being flattish, long and flexible. In his paper on Meconostigmas in Aroideana Vol. 25 of 2002, Dr. Goncalves discusses, describes and illustrates these in a good photo of the species, and compares them to those of P. mello-barettoanum which are short, stout spines. P. mello-barettoanum occurs quite commonly in older collections in the Miami area, notably at the OLD Parrot Jungle and at Fairchild Gardens. With its divided leaves, it has been mistaken and confused with P. bipinnatifidium.
The leaf you photographed is not as deeply divided as the ''modern'' plants of P. bipinnatifiduum (A.K.A. P.''selloum") which are produced commercially these days in the thousands by tissue culture. We must keep in mind that ALL these thousands of plants are clones of just one plant, probably selected for its leaf shape and divisions. The plant in your photo, based on speculation on its origins from the old orchid jungle, would pre-date the tissue culture, and would have been produced by hand-pollination. I have spoken with some of the guys who used to produce plants of P. ''selloum'' (= P. bipinnatifidium) in commercial quantities by hand pollination/seed. They all had large mature plants or ''breeders'' which they hand pollinated, and the seed was collected, washed and sown . The resulting plants from seed obviously showed genitic variations to the leaf shape, size, and color not seen in todays tissue cultured plants.
I speculate that your plant is one of these older seed-produced plants.
Also, keep an eye on the older leaves as your plant matures or gets larger, as when older/larger they might illustrate more and deeper divisions.
I hope this helps.


From: lbmkjm at yahoo.com (brian lee) on 2008.01.16 at 12:46:59(16956)
Dear Russ,


The leaf and the stem photos point to a hybrid of
Philodendron bipinnatifidum...the intravaginal
squamules are typical of this species. There is a
hybrid called Philodendron x evansii that resembles
this, which is a Philodendron bipinnatifidum crossed
with Philodendron speciosum...and is intermediate
between them. There will be variations that
intergrade between one species and the other in this
cross. Philodendron speciosum has very different
intravaginal squamules and some crosses will trend
toward these. I do not have as much interest in
hybrids myself...but there are many of them out there.

At some point, we need to locate some good habitat
photographs of the subgenus Meconostigma to determine
the full range of variations within the current
species concepts. There are many hybrids out there
and as wild populations disappear, it will be
increasingly difficult to clarify some of these

From: chammer at cfl.rr.com (Bluesea) on 2008.01.17 at 03:06:27(16959)
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From: ju-bo at msn.com (ju-bo at msn.com) on 2008.01.17 at 11:29:25(16961)
> Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 22:06:27 -0500
> From: chammer at cfl.rr.com
> To: aroid-l at gizmoworks.com
> Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Philo ID

Dear Russ,

I`m certain that I speak for Leland when I say we are glad to try to help.
What we have to keep in mind when dealing with some of these plants which come to us from ''back in the old days'', is that we have no records of exactly where they originated, and what if any crosses might have been done back then by the old growers/producers, perhaps in attempts to create a plant with as much cold resistance as possible.
In the case of your photos, the squamules do look a lot like those of a ''pure'' P. bipinnatifidium, but the leaf blade in one of your photos does not demonstrate the number or depth of the divisions, nor the bipinnate nature of these divisions one would expect on a leaf of an adult, ''pure'' P. bipinnatifidium. This might only be an artifact of the age and size of the leaf in the photo. I suggest that you keep an eye on the plant in question and report if, as it matures and perhaps gets larger, the divisions do indeed deepen and ''split'', as we do know that juvinile plants of several species of Meconostigmas with split or divided leaves start off with leaf blades which are entirely cordate/sagittate, and only as they mature and increase in size do the distinctive divisions slowly develop.
I will keep my eyes open for what the squamules on obvious hybrids like P. evansii and P. eichlerii look like, and report back ''to base'', there is a plant at the Mounts Bot. Garden near to my home which I want to check into, and two groups up at Frenchman`s landing in Jupiter also.
I will keep us informed!

The Best,


From: growit7 at windstream.net (Tere Baber) on 2008.01.17 at 15:19:42(16962)
Not a clue but I love it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bluesea"
From: chammer at cfl.rr.com (Bluesea) on 2008.01.17 at 17:52:12(16964)
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From: lbmkjm at yahoo.com (brian lee) on 2008.01.17 at 19:08:59(16965)
Dear Russ,

Aloha. Yes, Julius is correct, we are more than happy
to assist.

From: piaba <piabinha at yahoo.com> on 2013.01.02 at 20:23:33(22760)
any ideas of what species this small philodendron might be? it was purchased years ago from a florida vendor, with no name.





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