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This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.
Latest IAS Newsletter
From: Tom philofan at philodendron.org> on 2005.05.01 at 18:27:57(12898)
I want to thank Emily and the contributors for a great newsletter. I
particulary enjoyed Tom Croat's account of their trip to Ecuador as it
brought back many memories of my trip down to Yawa Jee, a Shuar
community (and previous rainforest conservation project of my
organization). I remember the treacherous narrow roads (blocked halfway
down to Shell, I believe due to a landslide) and a jungle camping trip
we went on. I took some slides of that experience, so I can post them
up to share with others if anyone's interested.
Thank you,
Tom Vincze
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Aroid-l mailing list
From: Thomas.Croat at mobot.org on 2005.05.02 at 22:06:41(12900)
Title: RE: [Aroid-l] Latest IAS Newsletter
Dear Tom: Where the hell is Yawa Jee. I have never heard of it. I know that there are a lot of Shuar communities up the Rio Morona which lies beyond Santiago, out in the Amazon lowlands in Morona-Santiago.
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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 1:28 PM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: [Aroid-l] Latest IAS Newsletter
I want to thank Emily and the contributors for a great newsletter. I
particulary enjoyed Tom Croat's account of their trip to Ecuador as it
brought back many memories of my trip down to Yawa Jee, a Shuar
community (and previous rainforest conservation project of my
organization). I remember the treacherous narrow roads (blocked halfway
down to Shell, I believe due to a landslide) and a jungle camping trip
we went on. I took some slides of that experience, so I can post them
up to share with others if anyone's interested.
Thank you,
Tom Vincze
Aroid-l mailing list
Aroid-l mailing list
From: Tom philofan at philodendron.org> on 2005.05.04 at 00:07:33(12905)
Hello Tom,
Here is some information I pulled from the Tropical Rainforest Coalition (which may be new to some as well) web site :
Location: Puerto Santana, Pastaza Province, Ecuador. Located forty two miles southeast of Puyo.
Foundaci?n Yawa Jee, founded in 1992, was incorporated as a Nonprofit Indigenous Foundation under the Ecuadorian legal code in 1993. It is administered by the Indigenous Community of Shuars in Comunidad Santana and was first supported by the Tropical Rainforest Coalition in December 1992. Financial support comes from private donations, preserve entry fees, ecotourism and a consortium of European organizations and clubs.
Yawa Jee is one of the many communities in that region. Hopefully this answers your question.
You can also find more information on Yawa Jee through Google:
Tom Vincze
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Dear Tom:? Where the hell is Yawa Jee. I have never heard of it.? I know that there are a lot of Shuar communities up the Rio Morona which lies beyond Santiago, out in the Amazon lowlands in Morona-Santiago.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 1:28 PM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: [Aroid-l] Latest IAS Newsletter
I want to thank Emily and the contributors for a great newsletter. I
particulary enjoyed Tom Croat's account of their trip to Ecuador as it
brought back many memories of my trip down to Yawa Jee, a Shuar
community (and previous rainforest conservation project of my
organization). I remember the treacherous narrow roads (blocked halfway
down to Shell, I believe due to a landslide) and a jungle camping trip
we went on. I took some slides of that experience, so I can post them
up to share with others if anyone's interested.
Thank you,
Tom Vincze
Aroid-l mailing list
Aroid-l mailing list
Aroid-l mailing list
From: Thomas.Croat at mobot.org on 2005.05.04 at 22:44:34(12914)
Now that you have given me the directions I do remember
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some indigenous communities along the Puyo to Macas road. Thanks for the
-----Original Message-----From: Tom
[mailto:philofan@philodendron.org]Sent: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 7:08
PMTo: Discussion of aroidsSubject: Re: [Aroid-l] Latest
IAS Newsletter
Hello Tom,
Here is some information I pulled from the Tropical Rainforest Coalition
(which may be new to some as well) web site :
Location: Puerto Santana, Pastaza Province, Ecuador.
Located forty two miles southeast of Puyo.
Foundaci?n Yawa Jee, founded in 1992, was incorporated
as a Nonprofit Indigenous Foundation under the Ecuadorian legal code in 1993.
It is administered by the Indigenous Community of Shuars in Comunidad Santana
and was first supported by the Tropical Rainforest Coalition in December 1992.
Financial support comes from private donations, preserve entry fees,
ecotourism and a consortium of European organizations and clubs.
Yawa Jee is one of the many communities in that region.
Hopefully this answers your question.
You can also find more information on Yawa Jee through
Tom Vincze
Dear Tom: Where the hell is Yawa Jee. I have never heard
of it. I know that there are a lot of Shuar communities up the Rio
Morona which lies beyond Santiago, out in the Amazon lowlands in
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom [mailto:philofan@philodendron.org]
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 1:28 PM
To: Discussion of aroids
Subject: [Aroid-l] Latest IAS Newsletter
I want to thank Emily and the contributors for a great
newsletter. I
particulary enjoyed Tom Croat's account of their trip to
Ecuador as it
brought back many memories of my trip down to Yawa Jee, a
community (and previous rainforest conservation project of
organization). I remember the treacherous narrow roads
(blocked halfway
down to Shell, I believe due to a landslide) and a jungle
camping trip
we went on. I took some slides of that experience, so I can
post them
up to share with others if anyone's interested.
Thank you,
Tom Vincze
Aroid-l mailing list
Aroid-l mailing list
Aroid-l mailing list
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