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  Amorphophallus species source
From: Donald Mosser <dmosser at southconn.com> on 1997.08.20 at 13:49:36(1059)
I am a new comer to Aroid-L with rather a single purpose in mind. A
non-Interneting gardening friend of mine asked that I search out a source
for Amorphophallus riverii. I've done a quick perusal of some Aroid
related web sites and I'm unable to find this species listed anywhere.
Perhaps riverii is an older botanical name which has been replaced by
something else or this species has possibly been moved to another genus by
plant taxonomists. I saw the information about the Aroid-L on the Web and
figured that someone on this list must have more information about this

Before I forget protocol, I should introduce myself. My name is Donald
Mosser and I'm an avid gardener and iris collector. My favorites are
species irises and hybrid Louisiana irises. I also belong to the American
Iris Society, AIS, and the Iris-L which is the iris world equivalent of the
Aroid-L. Sounds like two parallel universes to me - AIS as compared to
IAS.:) At first glance the Aroids look like a very interesting set of
plants. I must take a deeper look at some of the Aroid related web sites
to see if there is something else that I should be growing other than
irises. Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide me with more
information of A. riverii.


Donald Mosser

From: HETTER <W.HETTER at pbga.agro.nl> on 1997.08.20 at 20:04:05(1060)

The current name for Amorphophallus rivieri is Am. konjac! Search
and thou shall find!


From: MJ Hatfield <oneota at ames.net> on 1997.08.22 at 13:37:20(1061)
Can anyone tell me about Amorphophallus larsenii? I was recently given
one and I don't find it in Aroideana #19. Thank you.
MJ Hatfield

From: HETTER <W.HETTER at pbga.agro.nl> on 1997.08.22 at 15:24:48(1063)
Dear Mary jane,

Whothehell gave you that species AGAIN with the wrong name? It seems
that people just don't read botanical papers, do they? O.k., your
plant is Am. atroviridis. Look there and you'll also find the
refernce to this misnomer, that seems hard to eradicate!

Cheers, Wilbert

p.s. it IS one of the best beauties in the genus!

From: Steve Marak <samarak at arachne.uark.edu> on 1997.08.24 at 18:48:57(1074)

I suspect this is one of those cases where everyone thought someone else
would respond and as a result no one did. There are lots of people on the
list growing Amorphophallus konjac and as it is easy to grow, being
perfectly hardy to at least USDA zone 6 and offsets freely, I'm sure we
can find a source. Mine are in full growth right now or I'd send one
myself - if you haven't got another source remind me in the fall and I'll
pop one out of the ground for your friend.

Wilbert, who is our resident Amorphophallus guru, mentioned that A.
konjac is now the current name for A. rivieri, which I think also used to
be known as Hydrosme rivieri.

If you don't want to wait until fall, you might check out Park Seeds. They
offer A. konjac fairly regularly in their bulb catalog, and in fact I got
my first plant of it from them years ago. Keep in mind that if they ship
you a dormant tuber now, it is somewhat out of synch with the seasons (I
mentioned mine all have leaves up which have not yet begun to yellow, a
sign of coming dormancy).

Feel free to ask us about anything I've left out. Perhaps, if your
non-networking friend uses you as a conduit to aroid resources on the web,
it will rub off on you.


From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.08.25 at 13:42:36(1080)
>I probably need another plant addiction like I need another hole in the
>head, but what I've seen so far of the aroids is intriguing. At first
>glance I had assumed that most of them were tropical plants, but it sounds
>like a few would be hardy in my USDA zone 7b-8. Thanks again.
>Donald Mosser

Like one of the 10 steps.... admit your addiction and enjoy... At last
count, I had over 50 plant families in the collection.... It is not all
aroids... But, what a nice addiction...

From: Don Burns-EPUR01 <Don_Burns-EPUR01 at email.mot.com> on 1997.08.25 at 15:43:41(1088)
That's 12 steps . . . . .
To: Burns-EPUR01 Don
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