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  Spectacular aroids - which ones?
From: Steve Marak <samarak at arachne.uark.edu> on 1997.08.22 at 15:06:37(1062)

>From our recent discussion of Colocasia 'Jet Black Wonder', a.k.a. 'Black
Magic', it is one of those plants that make an impression on everyone,
even if they aren't aroid fanatics or perhaps even if they aren't really
horticulturally inclined.

This leads me to ask what other "Oh wow!" aroids people are growing, the
ones that stop your visitors for a second look and really excite those
who love plants?

I'm interested in hearing about the whole family, from the Arisaema that
makes both arisaema enthusiasts and non-growers alike stop and ask, to the
tropicals that draw the oohs and ahs and everything in between.

Completely aside from my selfish desire to learn about other plants I
might like to grow (which I freely admit), I'm always looking for things
with which to encourage potential new aroiders (who may or may not be
experienced growers).

So what are these plants, and what about them makes them spectacular?


From: Diana Pederson <dlpederson at voyager.net> on 1997.08.22 at 15:51:10(1064)
Steve Marak wrote:

> Aroiders,
> >From our recent discussion of Colocasia 'Jet Black Wonder',
> a.k.a. 'Black

From: CDANIELLE <cdanielle at prodigy.net> on 1997.08.24 at 18:30:12(1071)
I'm not growing this aroid, but it is one of the most spectacular I
have seen, you can see it at:
From: "James W. Waddick" <jim-jim at swbell.net> on 1997.08.25 at 05:15:09(1078)
Dear Gabe;
The picture isn't really all that clear, but I'd guess it is what
is known in the trade as Alocasia macrorhiza "Albovariegata". It is fairly
common in Mexiucan and Central American gardens and is certainly "around"
here in the US.

jim W.

From: "Mr R.a McClure" <Rob.McClure at sci.monash.edu.au> on 1997.08.25 at 05:29:39(1079)

Helicodiceros muscivorus is a real crowd puller.

People stop, gasp, frown, point, recoil, faint, vomit and flee all
within about 60 seconds !

Even without its huge 'flowers' it is still a spectacular aroid. I
wouldn't be without it. ( 10,000 blowflies can't be wrong ! )


From: Dana Scholle <dana at homecom.com> on 1997.08.25 at 13:53:02(1082)
The hardware store up the street had a variegated elephant ear, but it
looked a bit different from the one pictured.. It was a little spotted
fellow. I might could ask them to order another, but it looks like an
entirely different species/cultivar from the one you're looking for.

From: Matyas Buzgo <buzgo at systbot.unizh.ch> on 1997.08.25 at 15:38:29(1087)

You got your own address wrong!!!


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