From: Albert Huntington balberth at> on 2005.07.28 at 17:15:06(13248)
It's been a while since I published an update on IAS affairs, so here we go:
- The 3rd issue of the newsletter should be in your hands either now or within
the week. Our editor Emily Yates has done an excellent job helping us procure
interesting articles and publish on time. As always, contact our membership
chair Paul Resslar if your issue has gone missing. Or you could go online to and visit the members section ( password required ) where
there's an archive of newsletters in PDF format, including the latest one.
- Aroideana has gone to the publisher. It takes a while to print, but it will
hopefully be out in September. Special thanks should go to Derek Burch for
making a great effort to get it out in time for the show and sale this year.
- The board nominations committee has been formed and is in deliberations as we
speak. If you've ever been interested in helping out the society, you might
contact Dan Levin about getting on the board of directors. We always need more
enthusiastic volunteers.
- Preparations for the annual show and sale are underway. It will be September
17-18 at the Fairchild Tropical Garden in Miami Florida, and those of us who've
been there know it's an Aroid paradise for the weekend. Our guest speaker this
year will be Joep Moonen from French Guyana. Somewhat more information is
available on our website and additional details will be
posted soon.
--Albert Huntington