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  Seed Cleaning Tool
From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1997.08.23 at 07:20:15(1069)
No intention here to break up the current discussion, but I had to let
this loose before I forgot to do it entirely.

One week ago tonight the spouse and I were in Raleigh, NC enjoyingsome
coffee at a place that sell the stuff as well as teas and assorted
goodies for cooking up the stuff. Browsing through the "tool" section I
came upon a tea infuser. It was spherical with the sphere cut in half
and a seal placed in each edge. The there is a spring loaded handle that
one squeezes to make the thing open up. The seal at the edges is quite

From: grsjr at JUNO.COM (George R Stilwell, Jr.) on 1997.08.25 at 05:00:59(1076)

Where in Raleigh? If I kenw , I'd go get one.


From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.08.25 at 05:11:19(1077)
Dear Don,

>>>>Browsing through the "tool" section I came upon a tea infuser.<<<<

Hey, I needed that little tool for gooy Lysichiton seeds! How do I get to R
aleigh, NC?

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.08.25 at 15:33:37(1086)
> Hey, I needed that little tool for gooy Lysichiton seeds! How do I get to R
>aleigh, NC?

>Sue Zunino

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