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  Spectacular Aroids #3
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.08.23 at 09:15:56(1070)
This is part three of three.... I hope you enjoy...

Philodendron applanatum This, says Dr. Croat, is one of his favorite
Philos. A 12" to 14", flat on the top and rounded on the bottom, petiole
holds a three lobed leaf. The top lobes will be 12" to 14" across and the
larger base lobe will be about 8' wide and 12" long with a 'fat' look.
Internodes on a mature plant are about 4 inches. Distinctive and elegant.

Philodendron aurantiifolium See Grayum's book on Revision of
Philo.Pg. 190. Foliage on short petioles and leaf 3-4" wide and 15" or so
long. Grows nice on a totem.

Philodendron basii This one has to be related to Philo. warscewiczii!
It has the same blunt end stem. The major difference is that the leaf is
solid and not cut . Small clefts around the edge of the leaf make it
interesting. The stem can get up to 3" plus thick.

Philodendron crassinervium This plant looks great in a hanging
basket or on a totem. It has a very wide thick midvein and a long lance
leaf. Two excellent photos in Exotica.

Philodendron gloriosum Check Exotica. This is a terrestrial, grows along
the surface of the potting media or ground. It will NOT grow up a totem.

Philodendron 'Golden erubescens' Large 7" - 10" hastate leaf, on a
mature plant, that are beautiful golden yellow. This plant, in ideal
conditions, will actually take over. But, what a nice one to take over.

Philodendron grazielae No doubt about it, this is my all time favorite!
Even back in 1984, I published a picture in Aroideana, Vol. 7,3 pg. 61.
Small heart shaped, highly glossed leaf with a small pigtail. Very short
internodes make this a full and very attractive plant.

Philodendron holtonianum A tripart leaf with 7" - 10" upper lobes
angled down toward the 18" - 20" basal lobe. All of this leaf on an 18"
terete petiole. A mature plant on a tall totem is a sight to behold!

Philodendron Hybrid 'Orange' Large hastate leaf has orange flakes on a
light green background. One of the prettiest of the hybrids.

Philodendron hylaeae This one is rare! Picture a tripart leaf that is
16" to 18" wide and each segment is 3" plus wide and up to 9" long. The
basel lobe is just a bit shorter. Now, streach the leaf margins all
around so that it seems there is just a little too much leaf for the
midribs.. Dark green matte finish with a 20" petiole. Magnificient.

Philodendron lacerum Beautiful large platter sized foliage that is
slightly palmately lobed. See Exotica.

Philodendron microstictum See Exotica. Picture, in your mind a cross
between P. oxycardium and P. grazielae. Not as fancy as the latter and
with a more matte finish on the leaf.

Philodendron muricatum 7" - 8" wide by 9" - 10" foliage with deep cut
sinus and silver speckles on the face of the leaf make this one of the more
attractive of the genus. One drawback is the long internodes in low light.

Philodendron paxianum The interesting feature of this Philo. is the 5"
terete petiole. It is very succlent . A 12" x 4" leaf and short
internodes are other characteristics. Looks great on a totem!

Philodendron pterotum Picture this, a heavily veined 6" wide cordate leaf
with a semi-matte finish on a 6" petiole, half of which is winged and the
other half is terete. Combine this with a very short internode on the stem
and you have a beautiful, full plant for a totem or hanging basket.

Philodendron recurvifolium Thick, dark green, matte, long cordate
leaves with a fine red border make this a very beautifl Philo. A mature
leaf will be 7" - 8" long and just over 4 " wide. The only negative to
this Philo is the longer than usual internodes.

Philodendron sodiroi See Exotica. This is another of the 'beautys'.
Silver foliage on a slow grower with short internodes..

Philodendron sp. DEF 311 An unusual species in that it has a very
hard stem that will form a hook to climb with. It will become very dense
with small long cordate folage about 4 to 5" long. Supposed to have been
collected in Costa Rica.

Philodendron sp. 'Wrightii' This is an exciting and vigerous Philo. It
is what I call a 'flying lobe leaf". The upper lobes are postitioned up
and out from the basal lobe. They are less than a quarter the size of the
18" basal lobe. The petiole is up to 24" and looks to have been brushed
with redish bronze. Dark green foliage and on the reverse it looks like
the leaf has been brushed with red. Cataphylls are bright pink.

PLANT. There are several Philos. that have this name. I have numbered
them. This one, in the juvinal has a beautiful silver sheen on the face
the leaf and deep burgandy on the reverse. The mature leaf reverts to a
plain unexciting hastate leaf. One unusual part is the petiole. It is
flat on the top and round on the bottom.

Philodendron tripartitum See Exotica. This is a fairly fast grower.
Getting as large as 12" to 14" wide leaves. Very attractive on a tall

Philodendron uleanum Exotica says "Scandent plant with thin-leathery,
glossy green, lanceolate to oblanceolate leaves somewhat pendant, the base
obtuse and broadened, the surface quilted." Couldn't have said it better!

Philodendron warscewiczii This is probably the most unusual of the
Philos. The stem is unlike any other. The foliage is so devided in the
mature leaf that it almost looks like some ferns. It is one of the few
that actually will loose all of its foliage in a dry season and survive
from the succlent stem.

Philodendron williamsii Excellent landscape plant in warm climates. Will
take same conditions as P. selloum. See Exotica.

Philodendron x Florida This is the standard Hybrid for the name. Dark,
slightly fuzzy petioles with a deeply cut leaf. P. squamiferum has to be
one of the parents.

Philodendron x "Hummel's Hybrid" This one looks like a small
variegated P. panduraeforme as shown in Exotica. Leaves are usually 6" and
smaller with a generous shading of white.

Philodendron x "McDowellii" This is a hybrid of P. gloriosum and an
unnamed peltate species from Peru. It differs in that it has a shiney
leaf rather than the semi-velour type that P. gloriosum has. It is more
vigerous than P. gloriosum and will get to at least 3 ft. high. It is a

Philodendron x "Pink Princess" The clone I have is from the original
Australian hybrid. I have counted as high as 5 different shades and colors
on one leaf. Predominately red and pink, there will be shades of pink,
grey and cream. The striking part is that the stems and petioles are dark
maroon red.

Remusatia vivipara One of the unusual plants in Araceae. See Exotica.
It has an Alocasia type leaf and produces rhizomes that grow above ground
and produce bulbils. Also, see Aroideana, Vol. 6, 1.

Spathcarpa sagittifolia... This is the plant that has "Worm Plant" for a
nickname because the spadix is fused to the spath. The inflorescence
stands above the foliage and is quite cute. Do not remove, however, it is
not really a worm on a leaf. This one has a sagittate leaf. See S.
hastifolia for hastate leaf.

Spathicarpa hastifolia See the description for S. sagittifolia. To the
amateur, the inflorescence is the same, only the foliage is different.

Typhonium trilobatum Another of the 'Interesting Ones'. Inflorescence
is at media line and extends to just under the leaves. The spathe is dark
green on the outside and dark maroon on the inside. The spadix is long,
slender and is almost black. The fragrance is similar to some

Xanthosoma atrovirens 'appendiculatum' Unusual plant in view of the
appendage that is under almost every leaf. Plant will reach at least five
ft. and requires lots of water. Dark green matte on surface of hastate

Xanthosoma mexicanum This beauty has the very fuzzy leaves... Small
plant to about18" but is unique in the striking inflorescence recently seen
on the ID Page of the IAS Web Site.

Xanthosoma sagittaefolium Don't let the picture in Exotica lull you
into thinking this is a small plant. Here, in Florida, the plant gets so
large that you can stand under it and be protected from a considerable rain

Xanthosoma sp. "Blackie" The Black one that everybody is talking
about. The leaf is so black that it looks like black velour.

Xanthosoma sp. "Golden Yellow" Grows in shade or sun. Foliage and
petioles are a beautiful golden yellow. Will get to 8 ft. easily in ideal
growing conditions. Needs lots of water. Extreemly beautiful plant.

There now, wasn't that nice reading?

From: eduardo gomes goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.08.25 at 04:52:13(1075)
Dewey wrote:
> Spathicarpa hastifolia See the description for S. sagittifolia. To the
> amateur, the inflorescence is the same, only the foliage is different.

I don't think I am an amateur and their inflorescence also seem the same to

From: hesterc at niven.acpub.duke.edu (Clarence Hester) on 1997.08.25 at 15:01:59(1084)
>From Dewey's post:

> Xanthosoma sp. "Blackie" The Black one that everybody is talking
> about. The leaf is so black that it looks like black velour.

Have we been talking about a black Xanthosoma recently? I know there's
been a lot of discussion of Colocasia "black magic". Is the Xanthosoma
yet another black-leaved plant? As I mentioned several months ago, I
saw a Xanthosoma violacea at Kew Gardens that had almost black leaves
(huge ones, too), although what is sold as Xanthosoma violacea around
here always has green leaves. Incidentally, a friend of mine (not on
the list) told me about a recent program on one of those "home and
garden" t.v. shows. Seems they mentioned a *black caladium*, and were
recommending it for the home gardener. Is there a black caladium, a
black Xanthosoma, and a black colocasia (black magic), or are people
debating the correct name?

Clarence Hester

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.08.25 at 18:41:55(1091)
Is there a black caladium, a
>black Xanthosoma, and a black colocasia (black magic), or are people
>debating the correct name?

Black Caladium... not that I know of... If I saw it... I'd buy! And, as
far as Colocasia or Xanthosoma.... Damn, you have me thinking... I'll
really have to check and will get back to you.... Frankly, there is not a
hell of a lot of difference....

From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1997.08.25 at 18:47:00(1092)
To add to the confusion, I've seen a (?this) plant listed as a black Alocasia!

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.08.25 at 20:10:23(1093)
Now, there is a black Alocasia. It has a black matt finish on the leaf and
the veins are sort of a silver to platinum color... It was one that was
found by someone at a Botanical Garden. It wass found in Borneo. It is
available and listed in Spectacular Aroids #1.

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at classic.msn.com> on 1997.08.26 at 02:33:24(1094)
Sent: Monday, August 25, 1997 2:41 PM
To: ju-bo@msn.com
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.