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  Gabe's Alocasia
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.08.25 at 13:47:57(1081)
If you look at the matt green in the lower right of the photo... Alocasia
macrorrhizos does not have this matt finish.... My guess is one of the A.
micholitziana types that have this matt surface... Some of these have been
put into tissue culture and the variagation comes out like this.... I have
both plants (macrorrhizos and micholitziana) and the one on Tim's page
looks more like the A. 'Frydek' even the type of variegation.. i.e. the
shading.... However, I must admit that mine is not quite that pretty.....

From: Gabe Thomas <cdanielle at prodigy.net> on 1997.08.26 at 21:32:56(1098)
Thanks for the atempts to identify the leaf in the picture. I agree with
Dewey, the leaf in this picture does look more like A. micholitziana to
me, but I'm far from an expert. I'm curious what those of you who think
macrorrhizos are seeing. Where in the world is Tim Chapman?

Gabe Thomas

From: Krzysztof Kozminski <kk at netgate.net> on 1997.08.27 at 02:53:56(1104)
On Tue, 26 Aug 1997, Gabe Thomas wrote:

> Thanks for the atempts to identify the leaf in the picture. I agree with
> Dewey, the leaf in this picture does look more like A. micholitziana to
> me, but I'm far from an expert. I'm curious what those of you who think
> macrorrhizos are seeing.

For one thing, I saw a defintely caladium leaf in the upper right corner,
and concluded that the micholitziana-like leaf (more likely to be a Green
Velvet horticultural hybrid, IMHO) in the lower left may also belong to
another plant. The length/width ratio of the varigated leaf does not
appear quite the same as for Green Velvet and/or A. micholitziana (they
are narrower/longer).

From: Timothy Chapman <chapman at premier.net> on 1997.08.28 at 13:34:03(1111)
Gabe Thomas wrote:
> Thanks for the atempts to identify the leaf in the picture. I agree with
> Dewey, the leaf in this picture does look more like A. micholitziana to
> me, but I'm far from an expert. I'm curious what those of you who think
> macrorrhizos are seeing. Where in the world is Tim Chapman?
> Gabe Thomas
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.08.29 at 13:58:07(1117)
>Dewey, you should recognize the Alo....its yours! Never could remember
>what you called it, but at the time (four years ago??) it was a one of a
>kind and you hadn't had it very long.

For the last word on "Gabes Alocasia"....... Thought I recognizedt!!!!!
Anyway, IT IS Alocasia 'Frydek' and is one of the Alocasia
""""""micholitziana TYPES"""" ... It is not micholitziana but an unnamed
species.... This particular plant obtained its variegation from a mix up
on genes in the Tissue Culture Lab!

So, since Tim says the plant came from me.... That is 'what is'.

From: "Don Bittel" <dbittel at treco.net> on 1997.08.30 at 04:40:30(1133)
Dewey, I talked to someone who has sold Alocasia 'Frydek' from the tissue
culture labs and found out that these are not variegated except on the
veins. (like most of these types). So if you see someone selling 'Frydek'
expect it to not be variegated all over, and keep searching for Alocasia
'Frydek Variegated'

Don Bittel

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.08.30 at 21:16:56(1135)
Next time you come down.... I'll show you one....

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