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  The Death of Guanghua Zhu, my student.
From: Thomas.Croat at mobot.org on 2005.11.29 at 02:02:24(13581)
Dear Aroiders:

just received a couple of messages from some of you on Aroid-L I realize that

From: "Deni Bown" deni at yaxhampark.co.uk> on 2005.12.01 at 13:04:39(13582)
Dear Tom and fellow aroiders,

How very, very sad to hear about the death
of Guanghua Zhu. Thank you, Tom, for giving us an insight into
Guanghua’s life and achievements, and for sharing your grief with
us. Those of us who did not know him well have some sense now of what a
huge loss we Aroiders have sustained, and I am sure everyone will join me in
sending our deepest sympathy to his family, to you, his mentor and special
friend, and to all his friends and colleagues.

I met Guanghua only a few times but he
played an important role in making the revision of Aroids – Plants of the
Arum Family a better book. In the first edition, published in 1988, I
covered the genus Dracontium in a mere half page, as little was known about
it. Ten years later, while working on the revised edition, I contacted
Guanghua with some queries and he unhesitatingly sent me his entire thesis,
which was unpublished at the time and was still unpublished when my book went
to press. Thanks to his input and generosity, I was able to expand the section
on Dracontium considerably and give credit to the remarkable work he has done
on this genus. The loss of an exceptional taxonomist at such an early age
is a tragedy for everyone with an interest in the Araceae.

Deni Bown

From: "Alistair Hay" ajmhay at hotmail.com> on 2005.12.01 at 20:59:28(13583)
Thanks Tom for that. Very, very sad.

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