IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  Re. Arum sources
From: "William Perez" <wperez at ridgway.mobot.org> on 1997.08.27 at 02:50:07(1103)
Which mail order nursery has the most complete stock of arum


From: Diane Whitehead <ua024 at freenet.victoria.bc.ca> on 1997.08.27 at 18:20:09(1107)
Fraser's Thimble Farm
175 Arbutus Rd.
Saltspring Island B.C.
From: Ellen Hornig <hornig at Oswego.EDU> on 1997.08.29 at 14:10:23(1119)
Diane Whitehead - since you mentioned Fraser's Thimble Farm as an arum
source, would you be able to give some idea of how large a plant one can
expect for the prices you listed? Thanks -


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