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Potting Mix for Anthuriums?
From: Dan Harrison <danhar at earthlink.net> on 1997.08.28 at 02:53:57(1110)
Hi All,
I'd like to know what others use as potting media for Anthuriums. I used
a modified Cornell epiphyte mix for years; but the ingredients have
become VERY expensive, and I don't feel good about using tree fern or
New Zealand sphagnum.
Dan Harrison
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From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.08.28 at 13:39:14(1112)
For as many people as there are that grow Anthuriums, that is the number of
people that will have their own 'favorite' mix. What will work under one
persons growing conditions will not or may not work under someone elses...
So, no one mix is bad and no one mix is good. If it works, don't fix
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If you stop to consider the way they grow in the jungle, this will give a
clue as to what they like. In the jungle they grow as epiphytes on trees
with the roots entwined in the moss that also grows on the trees and in the
leaf litter that accumulates in the ferns and other epiphytes. When they
grow on the ground, the roots are all in the leaf litter. Never have I
seen roots in the clay soil that is predominate in the parts of the jungle
that I have visited.
Getting them to grow in 'artificial' conditions should reflect the way they
grow naturally. I grow many of mine on totems that are three inches square
and four ft. high and is filled with sphagnum moss... For more
information on this, see the IAS Newsletter of April-June1997. I wrote an
article that described it in detail.
If you grow Anthuriums in a pot... (and remember... when God invented
Anthuriums... K-Mart was closed and he couldn't buy any pots....) Just
remember that there has to be a lot of air exchange in the root area.... I
have seen Anthuriums growing in large chunks of pine bark with nothing else
in the pot... They were growing beautifully but had to be watered at least
twice a day and fertilized with a weak solution at least once a week...
Now, the other end of the scale.... I use a media of 1/3 Canadian Peat
Moss, 1/3 Perlite and 1/3 composted pine bark in small chunks... This
allows lots of air in the roots and is well drained... Anthuriums do not
like "WET FEET', but they do like to be moist at all times... If a plant
does not seem to like the above.... I will add a few styrofoam peanuts to
the mix.... this gets more air circulation to the roots...
Just remember that most all Anthuriums are epiphytes. I have seen
Anthurium andreanum in the jungle with six to ten inch internodes that were
streaching for a tree on which to climb. When they found that tree.... it
became a short compact plant....
I hope the above helps...
AND, for your convenience I am attaching some information on the IAS.
There are lots of good articles in back issues of Aroideana that would be
very informative.... If you will privately send me your snail mail, I will
send you a booklet on the IAS. (I will do the same for anyone reading
The International Aroid Society (IAS) was founded in June of 1977 at the
home of Bette Waterbury, who became the first President. Dr. Michael
Madison, Taxonomist at Marie Selby Botanical Garden in Sarasota, Florida
was the Guiding Presence and became the Editor of our Scientific Journal,
the Aroideana. The name was suggested by Dr. Dan Nicolson of the
Smithsonian Institution. It means 'having to do with or pertaining to
aroids.' The Society is dedicated to promoting the study of the aroid
family in all its aspects. Membership is open to anyone who has an interest
in this plant family.
The IAS has been a fast moving organization. By the end of the year, 1977,
there were already 73 members. This progress has continued. There are now
over four hundred members world wide and we continue to grow.
Publications: Aroideana is published one Volume per year and contains in
excess of one hundred pages. Sometimes it is published more than once
during the year and these additional Aroideanas are Numbered. Usually, the
number of pages totals about one hundred for the year. This publication is
devoted to the more scientific aspects of Araceae. The Newsletter is
published quarterly and is a more 'chatty' publication. Here,
announcements, general horticultural information, plant exchanges and new
Aroid Literature are discussed.
Visit our Web Page at >http://www.mobot.org/IAS/<. There you
will find a multitude of information and a Membership Application.
Membership Fees: Individual Membership (USA) $25.00
International (via Air Mail) $30.00
Libraries (Spec. Handling) $35.00
To become a Member, send your check in the appropriate amount, payable to
'International Aroid Society' to:
Membership Chairman
International Aroid Society
P. O. Box 43-1853
South Miami, FL 33143
We would like to have *you* as our next new member!
Dewey E. Fisk, Plant Nut
From: TimothyA7 at aol.com on 1997.08.28 at 13:52:45(1115)
Since most, if not all anthuriums are somewhat epiphytic in nature they
must have that extra air around their roots. Styrofoam packing peanuts can be
an effective and inexpensive growing media ammendment. This material first
can be used in the bottom of the pot in place of normal drainage material
then incorperated in the remaining planting media be it a sphagnum or other
epiphyte mix. I like the newly available coconut chunks, it holds water and
nutrients very well. It also seems to have a natural hormone that encourages
root development.
Tim Anderson
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Palm Hammock Orchid Estate
9995 S.W. 66 St.
Miami Fl.
From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.08.29 at 13:51:15(1116)
Tim: Are these "coconut chunks" peices of the husk, the rock-like inner
shell or something else?
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> Dan,
> Since most, if not all anthuriums are somewhat epiphytic in nature they
> must have that extra air around their roots. Styrofoam packing peanuts can be
> an effective and inexpensive growing media ammendment. This material first
> can be used in the bottom of the pot in place of normal drainage material
> then incorperated in the remaining planting media be it a sphagnum or other
> epiphyte mix. I like the newly available coconut chunks, it holds water and
> nutrients very well. It also seems to have a natural hormone that encourages
> root development.
> Tim Anderson
> Palm Hammock Orchid Estate
> 9995 S.W. 66 St.
> Miami Fl.
Thomas B. Croat, Ph.D.
P.A. Schulz Curator of Botany
Missouri Botanical Garden
P.O. Box 299
St. Louis, MO 63166-0299
phone: 314-577-5163; fax 314-577-9596; email croat@mobot.org
From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.08.29 at 14:16:08(1120)
Tim, Dewey, or anyone else,
>>>> I use a media of 1/3 Canadian Peat
Moss, 1/3 Perlite and 1/3 composted pine bark in small chunks... This
allows lots of air in the roots and is well drained... Anthuriums do not
like "WET FEET', but they do like to be moist at all times... If a plant
does not seem to like the above.... I will add a few styrofoam peanuts to
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the mix.... this gets more air circulation to the roots...<<<<
I'm not sure how to ask this, but I'll give it a try so as not to seem really
dumb. If the soil medium is already a nice epiphyte soil like the one
discribed here, and the plant still doesn't look happy, how do you determine
if it's from the lack of air? What I mean is, how do you know which way to
go, add peanuts or take away peanuts? This is usually hard for me to
read.... which way the plant isn't happy. I have an Anthurium growing in a
rich, almost garden type soil that is doing fine, and blooming, which would
seem to muddle the question of whether it's getting enough air in it's
present soil in relation to an epiphyte mixture. If my plant was not being
happy, I would't have much problem figuring out that I need to add peanuts,
but if I start out with an already airy mixture.. where to go from
there....assuming there is no lack of moisture or nutritional problem.
Sue Zunino
From: TimothyA7 at aol.com on 1997.08.29 at 16:00:47(1122)
Here in South Florida we grow out in the wide open spaces. We can have many
days of1" rains and have high humidity most days. So our growing media must
survive this. We would have trouble with your bark/peat mix because the
decomposition would be rapid and start blocking air movement in 3 to 4
months. If we grow under cover and hand water( too much work) the mix can
last much longer. So we aiways are looking for material that will last longer
but still keep ouir babies happy.
Tim Anderson
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Palm Hammock Orchid Estate
Miami Fl.
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.08.29 at 16:06:44(1123)
It is like I said.... "If it ain't broke, don't fix it...." If your plant
is happy, leave it be!
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Dewey E. Fisk, Plant Nut
From: TimothyA7 at aol.com on 1997.08.29 at 16:12:26(1124)
I'll have these materials for all to see at the show next month.
Some products are just pieces of 'husk',some are 'trunk' chunks and some seem
to be a mix. Most folks seem to be enjoying good growth using the stuff. I
think we need to learn the fine points however.
Tim Anderson
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Palm Hammock Orchid Estate
From: Rand Nicholson <writserv at nbnet.nb.ca> on 1997.08.29 at 19:23:11(1125)
> Tim, Dewey, or anyone else,
> >>>> I use a media of 1/3 Canadian Peat
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>Moss, 1/3 Perlite and 1/3 composted pine bark in small chunks... This
>allows lots of air in the roots and is well drained... Anthuriums do not
>like "WET FEET', but they do like to be moist at all times... If a plant
>does not seem to like the above.... I will add a few styrofoam peanuts to
>the mix.... this gets more air circulation to the roots...<<<<
>I'm not sure how to ask this, but I'll give it a try so as not to seem really
>dumb. If the soil medium is already a nice epiphyte soil like the one
>discribed here, and the plant still doesn't look happy, how do you determine
>if it's from the lack of air? What I mean is, how do you know which way to
>go, add peanuts or take away peanuts? This is usually hard for me to
>read.... which way the plant isn't happy. I have an Anthurium growing in a
>rich, almost garden type soil that is doing fine, and blooming, which would
>seem to muddle the question of whether it's getting enough air in it's
>present soil in relation to an epiphyte mixture. If my plant was not being
>happy, I would't have much problem figuring out that I need to add peanuts,
>but if I start out with an already airy mixture.. where to go from
>there....assuming there is no lack of moisture or nutritional problem.
>Sue Zunino
I use a bark/perlite/sand mixture that drains instantly. I water it by
soaking the pot for a half hour once a week.
In your instance: Where to go ...?
If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Kind Regards,
From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.08.29 at 19:35:39(1127)
Tim: Thanks! I am looking forward to seeing you and your materials at
the show. Tom
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> Tom,
I'll have these materials for all to see at the show next month.
> Some products are just pieces of 'husk',some are 'trunk' chunks and some seem
> to be a mix. Most folks seem to be enjoying good growth using the stuff. I
> think we need to learn the fine points however.
> Tim Anderson
> Palm Hammock Orchid Estate
> Miami,Fl.
Thomas B. Croat, Ph.D.
P.A. Schulz Curator of Botany
Missouri Botanical Garden
P.O. Box 299
St. Louis, MO 63166-0299
phone: 314-577-5163; fax 314-577-9596; email croat@mobot.org
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at classic.msn.com> on 1997.08.30 at 02:00:48(1132)
Dear Sue,
I have not heard from you in a while-- How are the seedlings doing? How big
are the Spathecarpa? Drop me a line when time permits.
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From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.08.30 at 21:12:00(1134)
Hello Julius,
Everything is still alive! I'm happy with them, but I have a feeling they
would be larger in Florida. I have been setting aside plant family photos
taken as they grow, but they keep growing, so I keep taking more pictures and
because I want to send you the latest report, I keep waiting to send them.
It's just a vicious circle. I have a few more pictures to get, one of them
being of the Spathacarpas, which are doing great by the way, then I will get
them off to you so you can judge their growth for me. It helps to know what
they SHOULD look like at this point. I had 7 Spathicarpa seedlings until
some friends left me with 5. I planted one in my community pot where my
kitten found a perfect spot to rest...on top of the Spathicarpa.....nothing
else.... which resulted in a broken leaf, but it's putting up another one so
I let the little rat have another day. They are starting to put out leaves
at a much faster rate, compared to their babyhood rate of growth. Picturatum
is awesome, and Lasia has thorns!
Thanks for asking. The pictures aren't great, but will give you an idea of
how they are doing,
| |
From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at classic.msn.com> on 1997.09.04 at 21:41:40(1159)
Sent: Saturday, August 30, 1997 5:12 PM
To: ju-bo@msn.com
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Subject: Re: Potting Mix for Anthuriums?
>>Hello Julius,
Everything is still alive! I'm happy with them, but I have a feeling they
would be larger in Florida. I have been setting aside plant family photos
taken as they grow, but they keep growing, so I keep taking more pictures and
because I want to send you the latest report, I keep waiting to send them.
It's just a vicious circle. I have a few more pictures to get, one of them
being of the Spathacarpas, which are doing great by the way, then I will get
them off to you so you can judge their growth for me. It helps to know what
they SHOULD look like at this point. I had 7 Spathicarpa seedlings until
some friends left me with 5. I planted one in my community pot where my
kitten found a perfect spot to rest...on top of the Spathicarpa.....nothing
else.... which resulted in a broken leaf, but it's putting up another one so
I let the little rat have another day. They are starting to put out leaves
at a much faster rate, compared to their babyhood rate of growth. Picturatum
is awesome, and Lasia has thorns!
Thanks for asking. The pictures aren't great, but will give you an idea of
how they are doing,
Dear Sue,
I am glad to hear that all your "Babies" are alive and doing well. It`s been
pretty hectic around here what with the new job, etc, but I hope that life
gets back to normal soon.
Will write wgwin when time permits.
Thanks again for the news.
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.