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  winter is coming
From: MJ Hatfield <oneota at ames.net> on 1997.09.01 at 21:07:24(1140)
Winter is coming and I need to start thinking about bringing plants
The Amorphophalluses can be stored cleaned and dry in the basement. The
From: Lester Kallus <lkallus at earthlink.net> on 1997.09.02 at 01:33:46(1144)
I'm by no means an expert on Aroids compared to many of the others here. I
have, however, successfully stored Colocasias and Caladiums. The
Colocasias I dug up and ignored in a paper bag and kept in a warm part of
the house. I just never got around to preparing them. The following
spring they grew 5-6 foot leaves. (Unfortunately, I lost them all when I
trusted the book and left them outside the following winter.) I believe
that only some of the Alocasias can be stored as tubers and am relatively
certain that you can't store Anthuriums as tubers.

Caladiums, I'm certain, are seasonal and will do better with a rest period.
I had tried several different methods for preparing them in previous years
and finally settled on a method which had such good results that I was
overrun with Caladiums this past spring. I plan to do a similar project
this fall.

You can view my method with Caladiums at:

I also have been told (and believe) that the Caladium tubers will
degenerate if not allowed to remain warm throughout the winter. For that
reason, I stored them (and will again store them) in a warm part of the house.

Les Kallus

From: sholtzma at sunflower.bio.indiana.edu (stacy holtzman) on 1997.09.03 at 00:38:09(1146)
>Winter is coming and I need to start thinking about bringing plants
>The Amorphophalluses can be stored cleaned and dry in the basement. The
>Arisaemas can be stored clean and slighly damp in the plant fridge.
>Do any of the following require dormancy? Is dormancy suggested?
> Colocasia, Alocasia, Anthurium, Caladium
>Or can I simply bring the pots in, or dig and repot, and put them in the
>greenhouse? I know that in the past the Caladiums have not survived well
>overwintering in the dark, dry basement.
>Thank you kindly for this review. One of these years I'll get this
>straight (or move to a climate where I can just leave everything in the
>MJ Hatfield

Dear MJ,
I know that I have had caladiums that just sat in the greenhouse, and they
would go dormant on their own, even with light around. I usually set them
in pots where I have big trees growing, and they just sit there until
spring, and then the light cycle must get them going when it starts getting
warmer. So, maybe putting them in a normal place, and just depending on
the light cycle outside, would work for you. As for the other plants, I
don't know.

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at classic.msn.com> on 1997.09.04 at 21:36:57(1158)
Sent: Monday, September 01, 1997 5:07 PM
To: ju-bo@msn.com
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.