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Amorph tuber recovery after rot
From: Adam Black epiphyte1 at earthlink.net> on 2006.05.05 at 04:13:11(14124)
During dormancy, my largest A. paeoniifolius tuber that has been
blooming for several years suffered from some localized rot, which
damaging the central area where the new petiole or inflorescense would
emerge. The rot was sucessfully treated, but now there are two
substantally smaller growing points developing on either side of the
damaged central disk that look like they will put up some small leaves.
What will happen now? Will one of the shoots develop into a "dominant"
full sized shooting point and be back blooming and putting up large
leaves in a few years, or will it forever be a "Siamese twin" bulb with
two growing points? I was hoping to grow this into a monster until this
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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Aroid-l mailing list
From: Ronmchatton at aol.com on 2006.05.07 at 12:50:13(14128)
At the end of the growing season, more than likely, you
will have two substantially smaller corms. Most Amorphophallus completely
replace their corms in a growing season. That means each of the two
growing points will develop corms and in the process the main corm serves as a
nutrient source.
Ron McHatton
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Mount Dora, Florida
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