IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  Philodendron x "Evansii" et al
From: golfstra at cyvox.net.au on 1997.01.09 at 18:43:34(92)
Dear Aroiders
I am delighted to see some discussion on my favourite genera! I only
recently joined this discussion group but have had nothing to say because
I know absolutely nothing about Arisaema, Typhonium or Sauromatum, but I
do know a little about Philodendrons as I have been growing them for over
10 years now.
From: Eduardo Gomes Goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.01.10 at 00:08:14(95)
On Thu, 9 Jan 1997, Neil Crafter wrote:

> I am delighted to see some discussion on my favourite genera! (...)
> I would be pleased to hear from anyone with a specific interest in
> Philodendrons either through Aroid-L or direct to me,

Dear Neil,

I am also interested on Philodendron, as you are. Maybe it is because
they are one of the most ubiquous and conspicuous aroid here in Central
Brazil and I started my scientific career with them. For those which don't
know me, I has been studying and describing some species from such
fabulous genus for the last 2 years and soon I'll be publishing something
about it.

Dear all,

I'd like to say that I'm starting to amass data to revise the genus
Spathicarpa Hooker. It will be my first step (of a long way!) to survey
the tribe Spathicarpeae (Spathicarpa, Taccarum, Asterostigma, Gorgonidium,
Spathantheum, Mangonia and Gearum), maybe as a PhD thesis. If there is
anyone on the list that can send me any kind of information (e.g.
cultivation tips, morphological diversity of plants, etc) about
Spathicarpa or any other Spathicarpeae, please, e-mail me either privately
or by means of aroid-l. Despite of the small size of this group, it is
poorly known and needs to be updated.

Best wishes...

Eduardo Goncalves

From: Endangered Species <especies at ix.netcom.com> on 1997.01.10 at 05:18:19(97)
At 06:08 PM 1/9/97 -0600, Eduardo Gomes Goncalves wrote:
>On Thu, 9 Jan 1997, Neil Crafter wrote:
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