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  Amorphophallus leaf size (was growing season)
From: markdim at azstarnet.com (Mark A. Dimmitt) on 1997.09.08 at 13:22:27(1184)
Julius Boos wrote:
>To the many out there who have these larger species of Amorphophallus, bear in
>mind that eventually they produce the largest leaf of ANY plant, yes, even
>larger than the largest palm!!! Thirty feet tall, just as wide!! (Doubters,
>please see pg.72 of "Aroideana,Vol 17, 1994)
Do you measure championship by length or surface area? There is a palm with
a leaf 20 METERS long (sorry, I don't own the book so I can't look up the

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at classic.msn.com> on 1997.09.09 at 13:16:30(1194)
Sent: Monday, September 08, 1997 9:22 AM
To: ju-bo@msn.com
From: Rand Nicholson <writserv at nbnet.nb.ca> on 1997.09.09 at 13:44:40(1195)
>Hey, keep your eyes open for the info on that palm. I will keep mine open
>where I read that the larger species of Amorphophallus produced the largest
From: eduardo gomes goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.09.09 at 20:56:44(1200)
Dear Julius, Mark and others,

The criteria used to define the largest leaf is that all of the
Amorphophallus heigth can be credited to its leaf (including petiole).
Palms can be very tall (even taller than any Amorphophallus) but it has a
lot of leaves and most part of the heigth is because of the stem. In
Amorphophallus, the leaf itself behaves like it was a whole tree. Aroids
are weird plants...

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at classic.msn.com> on 1997.09.10 at 01:25:31(1207)
Sent: Tuesday, September 09, 1997 9:44 AM
To: ju-bo@msn.com
From: mood at poi.net (John Mood) on 1997.09.11 at 17:34:24(1228)
For gigantic leaves, let us not forget about Alocasia robusta with leaves on
one specimen I measured at Quoin Hill in Sabah, Malaysia at 263 cm. x 162
cm. (lamina) and a two meter petiole.
John Mood
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