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Philodendron moonenii and P. joepii
From: "Steve Lucas Exotic Rainforest" steve at exoticrainforest.com> on 2006.09.27 at 18:09:56(14676)
In my previous request for information regarding
Philodendron moonenii and "Philodendron joepii" I stated P.
moonenii was not yet published. That was due to an email forwarded to
me by Julius Boos from Dr. Croat which indicated it had not
been published. I have been informed that was incorrect and the plant
was indeed published in Aroideana Vol
27. Unfortunately I don't have that copy and am trying to get
one. Please accept my apologies for my error since I was only quoting what
I had been told. I am still seeking information regarding both of these
plants. If you can assist I really would appreciate the help. I'm
working on a table top book and these are two plants I'd like to
Steve Lucas
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