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  Monstera warmingii
From: "Nick Miller" <millern at wave.co.nz> on 1997.09.11 at 13:52:20(1220)
I recently bought a plant labelled as Monstera warmingii. It is a
vine with long internodes, smallish lanceolate leaves lightly
splashed cream. No perforations in the leaves.

I couldn't find it in Tropica, or on the IAS web pages. Is there
such a species or is it really something else? All information
gratefully received.

Nick Miller

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.09.11 at 16:37:37(1225)
>I recently bought a plant labelled as Monstera warmingii. All information
>gratefully received.

I checked A Revision of Monstera by Madion (1977) which is the lates that I
have... No mention of subject plant. Possibly Dr. Croat can come up with
something else.

From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.09.12 at 21:21:22(1242)
Nick: The only thing that I can think of is that they confused it with
Philodendron warmingii, a species from Brazil that looks like P.
martianum. Even Exotica, a source of many wrong names does not list a
Monstera warmingii!
From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1997.09.13 at 00:43:16(1243)
How about a picture of this plant sent to Dr. Mansell.... then we can all
have a shot at it...

From: "Nick Miller" <millern at wave.co.nz> on 1997.09.15 at 14:31:43(1248)
Further to my message on Monstera warmingii. I looked further in
Tropica and found Philodendron warmingii - which looked very similar
to my "M. warmingii" except that it appeared (from the not very good
photo) to grow as a rosette, rather than a rambling vine.

Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.