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  Hortus Third
From: Don Burns <burns at mobot.org> on 1997.09.19 at 13:29:41(1270)

Steve's finding of Hortus Third in paperback at a local Barnes and Noble
was not a fluke. B&N is apparently selling these nation-wide at USD40 for
a two book paperback set in a box. I found about 10 sets at the local B&N
last night. Its a good deal when compared to what a hardbound original
Hortus Third will cost you at a used book seller.


From: karenp at sybase.com (Karen Paulsell) on 1997.09.19 at 21:01:19(1271)
Yeah, I paid $100 for my Hortus Third a few years ago, second hand.

I heard a rumor a couple of years ago that Hortus Fourth was being
compiled, and would be available on CDROM. I think the year in that
prediction was 1997 -- and here we are, and where is it?

From: MacClarke at aol.com on 1997.09.20 at 19:36:29(1281)
Hi all

I checked the local B&N last night. We didn't spot any paperback Hortus III,
the store computer said that not only did B&N not have a paperback version,
either in the store or nationwide, but that no such book was in print. Does
anyone have an ISBN number or something else that I can try again with?

Marge Clarke

From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.09.21 at 02:20:24(1282)
Dear Marge and all,
Not only did I manage to buy my FIRST horticultural book....YEA!, but
there are more copies at the B and N where I got mine, and I found another in
Arkansaw. The ISBN number for the soft set is: 0760705186. The Hard copy
ISBN number is: 002 5054708. The stores I found that had the soft copies in
stock are: Stockton, CA. B&N, Teli: 209-472-7495. This store still had 3
copies left for $38.98 + tax and shipping each. The other B & N is the
Little Rock, Arkansaw store, Teli number 501-954-7646 for the same price! I
don't know how many copies they had in the store. I managed to secure mine
on the 19th, so I know they still have some in.

So everyone stand in front of either of these stores and say 'OPEN, OPEN,
OPEN', in the morning early......before they open!


From: Pidho at aol.com on 1997.09.21 at 23:33:18(1283)
In a message dated 97-09-20 22:12:08 EDT, you write:

<< Dear Marge and all, >>
Basicly the problem with Hortus at B&N is they can not find it in the

From: Tony Avent <tony at plantdel.com> on 1997.09.21 at 23:52:03(1287)

I just saw Hortus III in paperback for 39.95 at the Barnes and Noble
in Cary NC. I don't know if this is a chain wide epidimic, but anyone in
this area may want to take advantage of this deal.

From: JRugh1 at aol.com on 1997.09.22 at 14:59:12(1298)
Not everyone. The local B&N Superstore in New England does not. They say
that they may get but have no real idea. This appears to be regionally

From: MacClarke at aol.com on 1997.09.22 at 19:51:21(1302)
Hi all

Pidho@aol.com did a much better job of explaining the Bargain Book bit than
the Chattanooga store clerk did, but that is what she said also. They don't
keep them in same data base as regular books. Incidentally, not all stores
carry Hortus third. Chattanooga does not but are ordering me one from Little

From: Skiffer2 at aol.com on 1997.09.22 at 19:58:16(1303)
The B&N in West Des Moines did not have the soft cover edition and at first
told me that no such thing existed. I gave the special orders desk staff all
the info from this list and the ISBN number with a request that they check
again for me. I got a call back in about an hour- the soft cover set has been
ordered for me, will be here in about a week. Be persistant. : )
Susan Ferguson
From: wwells at idt.net (Wallace Wells) on 1997.10.02 at 03:30:29(1363)
I found Hortus Third on Amazon for $105 hardcover. They do not list
the softcover. (Searched by ISBN).

Also I found Hortus First (1935) Second (1947) and Third (used, but
cheap) at


Wallace Wells

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