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  Amorphophallus hewittii or (the tuber in soil ...)
From: Baumfarn Webmaster <webmaster at baumfarn.at> on 2007.04.17 at 21:21:56(15577)
Some month ago, some of my A.hewittii had lost their last leaf. The
majority is still green since 2 years, some even get their next leaf.
Since I notices that they love it wet (allthough I read several times
never to water dormant plant :-( mea culpa), I watered them a bit
afterward. But also this watering I stopped already since months'.

Today I dig them out:
1x vanished

From: ALLAN TETZLAFF <atetzlaff at rogers.com> on 2007.04.18 at 20:10:06(15581)
Greetings Peter, First off, your English is very understandable and I admire you for that. I wish I was as good in German! Anyway, I have grown a bunch of hewettii from seed (likely about 30) and only lost a couple. Almost all have gone through dormancy..... This is what I do..... 1. When the leaf starts to died down, I slow down on the watering until the soil is only damp, never wet. 2. When the leaf dies down completely and can easily be removed, I knock the whole thing out of the pot. The roots have died off at this point. 3. I clean off the bulb and put it in a new container with fresh potting mix that has been made moist (not wet, just moist). 4. I keep it like that. I think there is something perhaps about the bulb
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