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  Drowning Fungus Gnats
From: ted.held at us.henkel.com on 2007.04.30 at 13:55:31(15610)

In case anyone is interested, I don't
think fungus gnat larvae can survive immersion in water. As a grower of
the aquatic and semi-aquatic Cryptocoryne aroids, I often see infestations
of these guys in wet, but not submerged soils. If this happens and I care
to do something, I find that raising the water level above the soil for
a few days does the trick. After that, the water level can be lowered again
and the gnats are gone. This also works for mites and aphids and whatnot
critters that breathe air.

Of course, for those of you in the majority
that grow species sensitive to water immersion, this won't work. You should
switch to Cryptocoryne.

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