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  Alocasia cormels
From: CDANIELLE <CDANIELLE at prodigy.net> on 1997.09.21 at 23:56:42(1288)
Hello all,
I just repotted my Alocasia micholitziana 'Frydek' (no not the
variegated one) and have a few cormels from it to give or hopefully
trade. I have a few questions about this plant so please read on even if
your not interested in getting one.

I'm only calling it A. Frydek because it looks exactly like a picture on
Lester Kallus's web page which he has labled so, the picture's URL is
http://www.i2.i-2000.com/~lkallus/aroids/micheli.htm Another picture of
a very similar looking plant can be seen at (Krzysztof Kozminski's pic)
http://ng.netgate.net/~kk/Araceae/Alocasia/Green_Velvet.html this one is
labled A. 'Green Velvet'. Mine was only labled A. micholitziana, but I'm
told it's not and I've seen pictures that seem to confirm that it isn't.
What should I call it?

Would it be best to wait to send the cormels until it gets warmer (the
nights are getting pretty cold around here). Am I corect in calling the
tuber-like organs cormels?

From: SNALICE at aol.com on 1997.09.22 at 14:42:20(1295)
Dear Gabe,
At this point I don't have anything to trade....except Lysichiton
americanum seeds, but I would love to have a piece of your Alocasia. I have
just purchased my first two Alocacias from a local grocery store. One looks
a lot like yours as far as the contrast of green leaf and white venation, but
the leaves are a bit more pointed and narrower in the anterior lobe. The
leaf area looks shrink-wraped around it's veins, and is shiny as though they
had been polished. The other plant has a silver look to it, and is almost a
flat green with the same white mid-veins, but also has tiny silver sub-veins
in between the main veins giving it a look, here and there, of turtle backs.
The leaves are shaped a bit different than my other one and different from
the ones you mentioned on line. In the store, these had only a sign up in
front of them saying ' African Mask' even though they are different. At any
rate, I would love to have another to add to my collection of two. I hope
I'm not too late. If you would like to try some Lysichiton americanum seeds,
let me know. Even if you are out of Alocacia corms, let me know and I will
send some to you.
I'm getting too awfully used to this begging stuff! Hopefully soon, I too
will have some pieces of something to share.
Thank you,

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