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From: "Mr R.a McClure" <Rob.McClure at sci.monash.edu.au> on 1997.09.22 at 14:35:58(1294)
> > I have just received two tiny rhizomes (tubers?) of Ambrosinia bassii and I
> > have not a clue as to what to do with them.
> >
> > Can you get me kick-started with these? Any information will be
> > appreciated. I can't seem to find much cultural info on the web.
> > Kind Regards,
> > Rand
Hi Rand, (and other aroiders)

I grow Ambrosinia easily in the bed with the other mediterranean
aroids such as Dracunculus, Biarum and Helicodiceros.
I am temperate zone 9ish here so this is info.is probably not much
use to you.

Bury the tubers about 2 inches deep in light well drained soil. I
give them heaps of light and keep them moist when they are active (
winter and spring here ). They enjoy some fertilizer now and again
and when they go dormant in our summer I keep them dryish to avoid
rotting. I suspect our conditions are similar to those it lives in
around the shores of the mediterranean.

On p110 of Deni Bowns book there is a drawing and notes of the plant.
She states 'A.bassii can be found on north facing hillsides in well -
drained humus overlying limestone'.

The inflorescence are small and hidden under the leaves but are very
interesting on close examination. The oval leaves are about 4-6cm
long and the whole plant is only about 5cms high.

I imported mine from the UK and they took 18 months to change cycles
to our hemisphere.

Hope this info. is a help.

Has anyone out there got any interesting Arisaema they want to trade
or sell ? (email me privately).

Catch ya later,

From: eduardo gomes goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.09.23 at 01:57:01(1308)
Dear Aroiders,

My Ambrosinia plants are growing everygreen since I planted them (October
of 1996). They came to me as seeds (from Fausto) and I am really in doubt
if I should stop to water. Maybe they are just stubborn babies that don't
like to sleep early.


From: Rand Nicholson <writserv at nbnet.nb.ca> on 1997.09.23 at 14:26:56(1312)
>Dear Aroiders,
>My Ambrosinia plants are growing everygreen since I planted them (October
>of 1996). They came to me as seeds (from Fausto) and I am really in doubt
>if I should stop to water. Maybe they are just stubborn babies that don't
>like to sleep early.

Have they bloomed for you?


From: eduardo gomes goncalves <eggon at guarany.cpd.unb.br> on 1997.09.26 at 01:34:08(1345)
On Tue, 23 Sep 1997, Rand Nicholson wrote:

> Have they bloomed for you?

No, Rand, they didn't bloom yet. I don't think they will bloom in the
first year. They are just babies!!!

Best wishes,


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