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  Newbie questions/germinating dracunculus seeds
From: "Jaime Rodriguez" <jaime at matnet.com> on 1997.09.23 at 14:19:08(1311)
Hi everyone,

I just received seeds for Dracunculus canariensis from Fausto, and would
like some information on culture. None of my reference books list d.
canariensis. How hardy/tender is it? What kind of soil do they prefer?
How long will it take for them to germinate? Should I sow them now? Do
they need a cold stratification? My only experience with dracunculus is
looking at photos of d. vulgare in catalogs. Thanks.

Jaime Rodriguez

From: Ellen Hornig <hornig at Oswego.EDU> on 1997.09.23 at 15:57:22(1318)
Jaime - when I germinated D. canariensis several years ago, I didn't give
it any special treatment, other than (probably) soaking the seeds in water
for 1-2 days prior to sowing. It germinates and grows easily at 60-70 F.
I found it to be vigorous - it send off all sorts of stolons that form
outlying tubers - and not at all resistant to freezing (melts pretty

From: Fausto Ceni <cendot at spidernet.it> on 1997.09.24 at 17:36:46(1336)
Jaime Rodriguez wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I just received seeds for Dracunculus canariensis from Fausto, and would
> like some information on culture. None of my reference books list d.
> canariensis. How hardy/tender is it? What kind of soil do they prefer?
> How long will it take for them to germinate? Should I sow them now? Do
> they need a cold stratification? My only experience with dracunculus is
> looking at photos of d. vulgare in catalogs. Thanks.

D. canariensis germinates easy: sow it now, give water and don't let the
pot go under 20C.
This plant is not so hardy as D. vulgaris: it is a winter grower from
Canary is., mediterranean/humid climate.


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