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  Shipment from Italy received
From: Diana Pederson <dlpederson at voyager.net> on 1997.09.23 at 14:41:45(1315)
I just received my shipment from Italy. I am excited about being
able to plant some species bulbs into our church bible garden.

I am not sure how to plant: Gynandrirs sysirncheum Laaimedusa or
Nothoscoroon. (Not sure about these spellings--having trouble
reading). The first one is seeds and the 2nd is bulbs. Would
someone tell me about these?

Should I assume the arums (Italcicum, and purpureospathum) are
hardy or tender?

From: Fausto Ceni <cendot at spidernet.it> on 1997.09.24 at 17:44:45(1337)
Diana Pederson wrote:
> I just received my shipment from Italy. I am excited about being
> able to plant some species bulbs into our church bible garden.
> I am not sure how to plant: Gynandrirs sysirncheum Laaimedusa or
> Nothoscoroon. (Not sure about these spellings--having trouble
> reading). The first one is seeds and the 2nd is bulbs. Would
> someone tell me about these?
> Should I assume the arums (Italcicum, and purpureospathum) are
> hardy or tender?

You can find the correct spelling for the above plants on my first
Gynandriris sisyrinchium (collected in Lampedusa Is.) and Nothoscordon
inodorum (coll. in Tenerife) grow in a mediterranean climate.
The first needs a very hot and dry dormancy period in summer, the second
comes from subtop. america. - full sun. They can survive till -5/-100C
Arum italicum is hardy (till -150C) but Arum purpureospathum is not so
hardy: better not under -40C. For both dry rest period in summer. Light


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