----- Original Message -----
From: Ron Weeks
To: Discussion of aroids
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2007 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Philodendron spathe
It looks like a photo of a painting not a live plant. Attached are photos
of two large meconostigmas. Philodendron eichleri is said to be a hybrid.
The inflorescence is not quite as red as your photo. The unidentified
philodendron from Brazil would be my first pick. It has the darkest red
inflorescence of any meconostigmas I have seen and blooms form in recently
emerged leaves. The spathe opening and curve to the spadix will vary
throughout the two days they are open.
...Ron Weeks
On Mon, 27 Aug 2007 18:35:24 -0400, ExoticRainforest
> Russ Hammer received this request from David Janas at the New York
> Botanical Garden. He sent it to me and I contacted David. David is
> trying to help a garden visitor but so far, we're stumped! Here's the
> message and the photo. Do any of you recognize this beautiful spathe?
> " A visitor to the NYBG conservatory showed me a photo of a flower they
> saw in Hawaii - it was clearly a Philodendron of some kind but P.
> insigne was all I could think of to say, but it had a bright red spathe
> inside and out, with a pure white spadix that was well enclosed except
> for the very upper portion. The whole infloresence had a very narrow
> appearance. The leaves are not very clear in the photo but appear to be
> in a fairly dense rosette and have rather ruffled and wavy edges. The
> visitor was satisfied with Philodendron, but now I am curious and I
> can't seem to find a good source to help me identify it."
> If anyone knows this beautiful plant please let us all know and I'll
> send Dave the link.
> Steve Lucas
> www.ExoticRainforest.com
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