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  amorph gigas/ goetzei
From: donbit121 at hotmail.com (Don Bittel) on 2007.09.07 at 02:43:38(16231)

Dear all,
A couple years ago I received an amorphophallus tuber from Dr. Croat
that was labeled gigas. It grew well last summer, but was still a small
plant when it went dormant. To my surprise it flowered and fruited this
year. But it surely is not gigas. The flower most resembles goetzei, and has
many bumps or warts inside the lower spathe. It set seed with no help, and
the fruits are a bright blue color. Has anyone else grown this or know the
correct species? I would like to include some of the fruits/seeds in the
aroid banquet auction. Thanks.

Don Bittel

From: hetter at xs4all.nl (Wilbert Hetterscheid) on 2007.09.07 at 07:11:00(16232)
Hi Don,

This is Amorphophallus henryi. If you put berries of it in the aroid
banquet, the IAS might well start preparing for a lawsuit, the charge being:
"Massacre on unsuspecting hungry members of weird plant society!".


From: crogers at ecoanalysts.com (D. Christopher Rogers) on 2007.09.07 at 17:20:02(16236)
Hello, Don!

It looks more like A. henryi to me. By the way . . . the scarab in the
infloresence is probably an Onthophagus. If you kept the beetle, and send it
to me, I can probably put a name on it. Its what I do professionally, and I
really love scarabs.

Happy days,

From: donbit121 at hotmail.com (Don Bittel) on 2007.09.09 at 02:07:39(16245)
Dear All,
thanks for your ID of the amorph henryi. I've grown that one before but
it was years ago that it flowered. I guess I was hoping this was goetzei,
since it wasn't the gigas that I thought I had. I'll have to razz Tom if
he's at the show about him sending me the wrong form of gigas!
and I didn't keep the scarab beetle.


From: crogers at ecoanalysts.com (D. Christopher Rogers) on 2007.09.10 at 16:01:17(16254)
". . . and I didn't keep the scarab beetle."


D. Christopher Rogers

From: hetter at xs4all.nl (Wilbert Hetterscheid) on 2007.09.10 at 20:29:52(16256)
I am quite sure it is extinct in Thailand but since it is an endemic of
Taiwan, that really isn't such a problem...............

Lord P

From: honeybunny442 at yahoo.com (Susan B) on 2007.09.10 at 21:48:29(16260)
If you do spiders, I need an ID on one...

From: crogers at ecoanalysts.com (D. Christopher Rogers) on 2007.09.12 at 15:51:23(16267)

Yes, Susan, I will be happy to help if I can. Please talk to me off list
unless this spider is pertinent to aroids.

To all:

Many folks contacted me off list for invertebrate identifications. I am
happy to do so as I have time. The folks on this list have given generously
to me of their knowledge and collections, and I want to give back as I can.
Unless the insect, spider, crustacean, worm or whatever is pertinent to
aroids in some way, I would ask that any one who needs my assistance please
contact me off list.

I am happy to identify invertebrates for any of you. I work with all
invertebrates, that is anything spineless (except some politicians and
lawyers). My expertise in the crustaceans, the beetles and aquatic insects,
but I can probably help with most stuff or know who can. Remember there are
limits to what can be done. Some things can be identified via a good photo,
other will need to be preserved and examined via a microscope.

Happy days,

From: hetter at xs4all.nl (Wilbert Hetterscheid) on 2007.09.12 at 20:12:19(16268)
Hi Bernhard,

For the life of me, I have NO idea why Berthold mentiones this. I'll ask

Lord P(retty surprised)

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