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  Helicodiceros muscivorus Information From Fausto Ceni
From: Doug Burdic <dburdic at presys.com> on 1997.10.02 at 22:24:21(1373)
Dear Fausto,

Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to give us all an
excellent description on the native habitat/climate of Helicodiceros
muscivorus as well as your advice on cultivation of this species. This
is exactly the type of information I was hoping to learn! Really
appreciate your help!
No need to apoligize for your English.....you have a better command of
it than I do!! :)
I'm wondering here about the damage your tubers have sustained from some
as yet unknown pest; could it possibly be from the larvae of some
representative of the Heliconius butterfly? This guess will probably
make me sound like an idiot since it is an uneducated guess at best, but
I have had Sauromatum tubers turned into Swiss Cheese from this pest in
the past. Just thought I'd mention it as a possibility and maybe some
other Aroider on the list with more knowledge in Entomology than I,
will come forth with other information on what could be tunneling
through your Helicodiceros.

Thanks again for posting all this valuable information. Take care.

Kind Regards,


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