From: Steve at (ExoticRainforest) on 2007.11.11 at 22:57:15(16691)
Don't know why, but the link didn't work on the first time. Here is is again:
I've been working for several weeks on a page for Philodendron callosum. There is little in any text or journal I can locate on this odd species. I'd appreciate any help any of you could offer. If anyone has a copy of the scientific description, I'd love to be able to read it. And if you have any practical growing information, that would also be appreciated.
Here's the page as it now stands, but I am still looking for more information. As always, I appreciate the help of Julius, Leland, Russ Hammer, LariAnn and Joep on this one.
This is what I have so far. If you think of anything else, please let me know.
Steve Lucas