IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

About Aroid-L
 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  Thank you
From: "Richard Mansell (BIO)" <mansell at chuma.cas.usf.edu> on 1997.01.12 at 20:19:14(108)
To all of you who responded to my request for information about botanical
gardens attached to universities, I send my warmest thanks. The
information you provided was excellent and the editorial comments were
even more helpful. We have enough information to proceed with our task
and a lot will be done in the next 3 weeks. I also thank those of you who
asked others, not on the list, to respond and send information. First
class job ya'll did.


From: "Kerry Taylor" <K.Taylor at lion.rbgkew.org.uk> on 1997.08.01 at 18:00:45(1008)
Dear All,

Some of you may remember me...I have been working on an economic and
ethnobotanical database for Araceae at Kew. I am sad to say that my
year at Kew has come to an end and in september I shall be returning
to Uni for my final year.

I just wanted to thank anyone who has helped me out over the year. I
have gained some really useful information via Aroid-L all of which
has been put into the database.

Although I have been a 'silent' member ! I have found the e-mails
interesting and have learnt a great deal about Aroids !

Thanks again for all the help

Kerry Taylor

From: plantnut at shadow.net (Dewey Fisk) on 1998.06.20 at 23:03:43(2347)
Many thanks for all your good advice regarding Amorphophallus parvulus. I
have decided to leave it alone and let it do it's thing.... I have
enlarged the holes on the bottom and side so that the petioles will have a
bit more room to do whatever they are going to do... Now, all I will do is
fertilize, water and let it grow. It will be most interesting to see the
tuber/tubers in the fall when they go dormant. But, if there is a plant
that needs multiplying... it sure is A. parvulus. It is just too hard to
grow and as a result, the more tubers the better.....

BTW, to add insult to injury.... the poor little abused tuber has put out
a SIXTH petiole. This time... right out of the top of the pot....

I will keep you up-dated on this one....

From: Marc Gibernau gibernau at aurore.cict.fr> on 2001.10.18 at 15:16:24(7639)
Dear Aroiders,

I was in the field foe the last week, I'm sorry to answer "so" late.
Thank you very much for all your effort, I have received a copy the
required article.

Sincerely yours,


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