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  Excellent Source For Dracunculus vulgaris
From: Doug Burdic <dburdic at presys.com> on 1997.10.05 at 04:52:35(1387)
Dear Aroiders,

Just wanted to pass on the name, address and phone number of this
nursery in Washington that just sent me some large excellent Dracunculus
tubers. I was very impressed and thought I'd pass it along to anyone who
is interested:

7530 NE 288th Street
Kingston, WA. 98346
Ph# 1-360-297-4172

(I would call soon if you desire any of these plants, since I don't know
how long their supply will last.)

Individual plants are $6.00/pc and I ordered 5 plants. Total price with
shipping was $34.50 which is very reasonable when you consider that
along with the main tubers(which are very active right now), there are
numerous small ones included. The people who own and work at this place
are top notch in the friendliness and customer service department and I
give them a 4 star rating.

Take Care All,


From: Jan Renfroe <jrenfroe at nvinet.com> on 1997.10.06 at 02:16:36(1392)
Another source for Darancunculus vulgaris and also Arum italicum is:

The Daffodil Mart
7463 Heath Trail
Gloucester, VA 23061
1-800-ALL-BULB Order line

I purchased my vulgaris and italicum bulbs from them 1 year agoand have
been very happy with them. They also carry many other bulbs, including the
standard daffodils ans tulips.

D. vulgaris--10/$25
A. italicum--10/$15

Jan Renfroe

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