From: Chris Marsden <Byway at> on 1997.10.14 at 19:48:48(1434)
Hi All,
> Back in July of 1996, I received some Typhonium tubers, courtesy of Rob=
> Clure. I promptly potted them up and waited. And waited. And waited.=
> even dug into the pot several times to make sure that they had not rott=
> or been snitched by varmints. Finally, this August, as I was finally
> preparing to dump the whole pot in disgust, I noted that one tuber was
> finally putting up a sprout. They have all (about 6 of them) now broke=
> dormancy and are growing just as nice as you please. Did any of the
> recipients have to wait this long (at least 14 months) for their tubers=
> sprout? Patience is certainly a virtue when dealing with aroids.
I recieved some from Rob as well, planted them, and forgot them completel=
Then, I noticed a pot this spring, I found the tubers, planted half of
them, gave away the other half in the hope that another far more
experienced aroider and much better grower could grow them and placed the=
in my terrarium that has warm temps (in the sixties) and they sprouted.
They kept growing, and putting out more and more leaves, I neglected them=
they outhrew the terrarium, their leaves rot as they touch the glass, the=
put out more leaves and the whole thing begins again. They're still there=
now. Now I realise they can be grown in temperate conditions I'll put the=
little beggars in the greenhouse, give them more room and actually feed
them next year.
Thanks to everyone like Rob (so that's everyone on this list) who has the=
generosity to give things away, and expect nothing in return. I hope to b=
able to contribute something to members as my collection builds up in
numbers, but I could only do this because I have the original material to=
propagate from.
My Kindest and Warmest Aroid Regards,
Toby Marsden