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  Philodendron polypodioides
From: BIHOREL at cris.com (Christian Feuillet) on 1997.01.12 at 20:25:35(110)
Hi to all the Philo fans,

My Philodendron polypodioides is growing VERY slowly, I mean less than 5
inches in a year. It is in a greenhouse, with 80% humidity.
Anybody has experience with this one?


From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.01.13 at 21:59:29(118)
Christian: I think that P. polypodioides is just an abberant P.
pedatum. The latter is a highly variable species. I wonder if this
"form" has some inherant genetic problem and that this could be the
reason why it grows so slowly.

Tom Croat

From: Hermine Stover <hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 1997.01.14 at 15:13:44(120)
In re: slow growth. about 12 years ago I got a nicely rooted largeleaf cut
of something yclept 'Monstera deliciousa'Salt and Pepper'. The leaves are
thick, about 3X normal, and the coloring is grayish because of the
minutewhitish mottlings, very subtle. In that span of time, other vining
arouds have lept into greenhouse rafters, have been pulled down, hacked to
bits, propagated and gone on to lead productive lives. this thing now has
10 leaves, and I am thinking of maybe tryig a few air layers. The
conservative route. is anybody familiar with this thing? Is it maybe a
polyploid? doesn't look delicate. just s l o w.


From: BIHOREL at cris.com (Christian Feuillet) on 1997.02.02 at 16:21:29(276)
>Christian: I think that P. polypodioides is just an abberant P.
>pedatum. The latter is a highly variable species. I wonder if this
>"form" has some inherant genetic problem and that this could be the
>reason why it grows so slowly.
> Tom Croat

From: Tom Croat <croat at mobot.org> on 1997.02.03 at 18:46:41(291)
Dear Christian: Continue to monitor this plant. The fact that I have
never seen this thing in flower is what makes me suspicious that it is
just a juvenile or preadult form of P. pedatum, but I honestly can't say
for sure. If it ever does flower for you please photograph it.

From: BIHOREL at cris.com (Christian Feuillet) on 1997.02.04 at 20:01:28(302)
>Dear Christian: Continue to monitor this plant. The fact that I have
>never seen this thing in flower is what makes me suspicious that it is
>just a juvenile or preadult form of P. pedatum, but I honestly can't say
>for sure. If it ever does flower for you please photograph it.
> Tom

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